
80 1 16
  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην shefe02

ALOHA! My 1Dork, Direction-Infected, FenomiNiall, "wife" of Niall Horan, crazy, epic, awesome, wacky, sugar-crazed, fanned friend of mine! It's taken a while, but I have gotten to you, and I'd like to tell you, that you are not only all of the above, but funny, amazing, sweet, friendly, competetive, smiley-face crazy and over all a great person! I enjoy chatting with you on both IM and messages between users! You always provide some sort of entertainment, and I really like (but occasionally worry) about your obsession with both One Direction and sugar. Ha ha, but I'm not one to talk. Anyhoo, I'd like to say THANK YOU SO DARN FLIPPIN' fabuLOUIS, amaZAYN, extraordiHARRY, fenomiNIALL, brilLIAM, MUCH FOR FANNING ME!!!

Lianne a.k.a FoodLover27

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