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Yo! My wonderful, 1D/5SOS dedicated friend, since I realised I never actually did this and you dedicated a page to me, I shall do so to you!!!

You are funny, quirky, weird, cute, giggly, smart (I know you'll scoff or snort so I'll add 'in your own way'), beautiful and definitely a really close friend! Honestly, you scared me when we first met, and manage to annoy me more than anyone else at times, but I wouldn't change you for the world because of how flipping awesome you are! [I give you permission to start tearing up right here].

I don't get how someone as sweet as you could have such a potty mouth, but you make me laugh regardless...

So welcome to the League of Awesomeness! It's long overdue but better late than never!

FoodLover27 a.k.a Lianne

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