Chapter Four - Homecoming

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Dean sat in his car and sighed. Why was he doing this? He stepped out of the car before he could think too much about it and walked up to Castiel's door. He took a deep breath before knocking, trying to prepare himself.

"Who is it?" Dean didn't recognize the voice that came from inside the house.

"Um... Dean Winchester. I'm here to pick up Castiel," Dean said. The door opened to reveal a man that Dean assumed was Castiel's father.

"For what?"

"Homecoming..." Dean was slightly unnerved by the man in front of him.

"Castiel! You have a visitor!" The man shouted into the house. After a second Castiel came down the stairs, smiling mischievously. He slid past his dad and was about to step down the stairs when his father put a hand on Castiel's shoulder. Castiel froze, and Dean saw something flicker behind his eyes. Dean couldn't help but sense that something bad was about to happen, but nothing did.

"Have fun, son," Castiel's father said, before letting go. And it was over. Castiel nodded and walked out to the car with Dean following, and his father closed the door. When Dean shut the door, he glanced at Castiel to see Castiel smirking at him. Dean started the car and headed for the school before Castiel could text him anything. As soon as Dean parked he got out. He wasn't looking forward to this evening. Castiel got out and followed him inside to the gym, where there were already plenty of students. Neither Dean nor Castiel had been interested in the parade or the game. When they got inside, Charlie pounced.

"Hey Dean!" She exclaimed. Dean smiled at her, but Castiel just frowned.

"Hey Charlie. How's the party?" Dean asked. Charlie shrugged.

"Eh, I've been to better homecomings," she said. Castiel shifted and Charlie looked at him.

"Hi Cas," she said shortly. Castiel looked up at her, flashing her a cocky smile. She rolled her eyes.

"Dean, let's go get some punch," she said, taking his arm and pulling him behind her, but Castiel grabbed Dean's other arm, stopping them. The gesture seemed almost desperate, although when Dean looked up, the expression on Castiel's face was the same as always; suggestive. Castiel pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Nuh-uh, hot cakes, there's no way you're ditching me for ginger.

Dean sighed.

"Sorry, Charlie. The king has decreed it," he said. Charlie shot Castiel another look before walking away.

"Okay, Castiel, you win. What do you want to do?" Dean asked.

First, stop calling me Castiel. It's weird. I'm Cas. And second: Find booze

Dean sighed again.

"Really?" He asked. Cas smirked and started towards the door. Dean rolled his eyes and followed.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

There's always booze outside

Dean followed Cas outside, but he didn't see any sign of booze.

"Cas, what-" Dean was abruptly cut off by Cas, who turned around, a gleam in his eyes, and, before Dean could respond, Cas pinned him to the wall and kissed him.

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