Chapter Eleven - I Know What I'm Doing

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Dean started spending more and more time with Cas as the days went on, which didn't escape Charlie's notice.

"Dean, I don't like this. I know I can't tell you what to do, but this closeness with Castiel... I told you what kind of person he is," Charlie said one day as they walked to class after Dean had spent lunch with Cas.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But if I can help Cas, I want to try," Dean said. Charlie shoved her hands into her pockets.

"Just promise me you won't do anything stupid," she said. Dean felt a fresh wave of guilt wash over him.

"I promise," he said.

"Good. So what are your plans for Thanksgiving?" Charlie asked. Dean shrugged.

"Bobby isn't much of a cook. There'll be turkey somewhere, I'm sure. What are your plans?" He asked in return.

"Oh my mom is going all out. I'm pretty sure my entire extended family is coming, and I am not looking forward to it. Please text me all Thanksgiving night, or I might shoot someone," Charlie said.

"Rodger that," Dean said. 


Dean sat on an overturned bucket in the closet, trying to fix his hair as Cas was buttoning his shirt back up.

"Do you... have any plans for Thanksgiving?" Dean asked, desperate to fill the silence. Cas stilled and Dean thought he'd said something wrong. But Cas just shook his head and resumed getting dressed. "Oh. No plans at all?" Dean asked. Cas pulled out his phone and sent Dean a text.

My dad isn't really into thanksgiving.

"Well... maybe you and Gabriel could... could come over to our house for Thanksgiving," Dean said tentatively. Cas looked around at Dean, his face unreadable. Dean waited for an answer, but Cas just left. Dean sat there for a few more minutes, lost in thought.

When Dean got back home that afternoon, he found Bobby in the kitchen.

"Hey Bobby," he said. Bobby nodded at him. "Hey, I was wondering. I invited Cas and Gabe over for Thanksgiving. Cas said they weren't going to celebrate. I don't know if they're going to take me up on that, but am I going to be in trouble if they do?" Dean asked.

"Of course not. Who do you think I am, boy, I'm not going to turn away a kid like that," Bobby said. Dean grinned.

"Thanks Bobby," he said, turning and heading up towards his room. He ducked his head into Sam's room as he went.

"Hey Sammy. I told Cas he and Gabe could come over for Thanksgiving, and I haven't gotten an answer yet, but if you want to work your magic on Gabe, go right ahead," Dean said. Sam looked around at him.

"What is it about Cas that you like so much?" He asked. Dean blinked, taken aback.

"What... what do you mean?" Dean asked.

"I mean what do you like so much? He doesn't seem very nice to you. Or anyone," Sam said, watching Dean.

"I... it's complicated, Sammy," Dean said. Sam's face darkened.

"Don't keep secrets from me, Dean. Not again," he said, a warning tone in his voice. Dean turned and walked away without saying another word. He knew what he was doing. He did.

As Dean walked into his room, he heard his text tone go off and pulled out his phone.

Gabe and I will be there

Dean smiled.

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