Twenty Two

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Your faith has to be greater than your fear.


The evening breeze felt light as it swirled through his dark hair, the sun just deciding to descend after a tiring day. With an exhausted but swift gait, he made his way out of the airport towards the car, his head bowed as he scrolled through the messages on the phone.

"How was the trip?" Saad asked as he shifted Omer's luggage from his one hand to the other as he turned his face towards his elder brother.

"Tiring. Hectic. Exhausting." Omer replied as he placed his mobile phone in the pocket and turned towards Saad.

"It wouldn't have been if you've just taken Fari with you. Things would have been a lot much spicier." Saad said rather mischievously and Omer chuckled slightly, a warm and slow laugh.

"I'm glad she didn't go. Do you really think I would have been able to work if she were with me?" Omer said with a lopsided grin dancing on his face and this time, Saad burst out laughing, attracting the attention of a few people walking around them.

"You should have taken her with you. She missed you like hell." Saad said a bit seriously and something clenched inside Omer.

His steps faltered for the smallest of moment, so small that Saad barely noticed, so large that his own world did.

"Really? How?" Curiosity got the best of him as he mouthed the question.

Saad threw at him a smirk which irritated Omer to no end as he placed the luggage in the car and sat on the driving seat. When Saad didn't answer after a few seconds, Omer turned towards him who was making the car run on the roads of  Islamabad.

"I asked you something." Omer said matter-of-factly and Saad's mischievous grin was back on his face in no time.

"Someone's getting impatient to know." The smirk never left his face as he tightened his hold on the steering wheel and changed the gear. Omer turned his head around to glare at his brother, his gaze annoyed.

"I have seen so many bastards in my life that I've lost count. But you, my little brother, take the lead." Omer said in a calm and smiling voice and a huge, manly laughter erupted inside the car not a moment later.

"And you, my elder brother, are my teacher." Saad retaliated and a small smile broke across Omer's face.

"Don't tell. I'll ask her myself." He shrugged his shoulders and placed his head against the headrest, his dark, observant eyes closed.

Saad chuckled slightly beside him as he pressed his foot on the accelerator.

"You need a very good sleep." Omer heard Saad's voice and his shoulders sagged visibly.

"Indeed. I've been running on caffeine for the past two days." His voice seemed drained and just then Saad parked the car in the garage of his hous.

"Get up, Bhai. We've reached." His voice made Omer open his eyes and he got out of the car a moment later.

"I'll bring your luggage, you go inside. Dado and Ammi are waiting for you. And someone else too, you know." Saad's words forced a smile across Omer's handsome face and he walked inside the house with easy steps.

The moment he crossed the threshold, he heard voices inside the living room, loud and excited ones. Smiling, he made his way towards the room, his mind at ease, his heart at rest.

Stopping at the threshold, he waited for everyone to acknowledge his presence and just like always, it was Urwa's gaze which landed on him first.

"Bhai!" She squealed merrily and Omer smiled wholeheartedly when she made her way towards him excitedly.

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