Chapter Fifteen

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 Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne with enthusiastic support from gmtu14325

Chapter 15


"I'm scared, mom," James told his mother as they sat in the exam room waiting for Dr. Marcus.

"Everything is going to be okay," Carol replied, pulling her baby close.

James placed his head on his mom's shoulder. His mom's presence comforted him.

"We'll get through whatever happens, sweetheart. I promise."

Several minutes later when Dr. Marcus finally entered the exam room, Carol was still holding her child.

"Good afternoon, James," Dr. Marcus said as she entered, her attention on paperwork in her hand.

She closed the door behind her and turned around. Looking up she saw a very pretty young lady wearing hip-hugging, high waisted, flare legged jeans with front five-button closure, a shiny black, peplum top and black, crochet-designed, slip-on flats, sitting next to Carol.

Dr. Marcus noticed the girl had a hint of dark mascara around her eyes, pale lilac lipstick on her lips and a very pretty purple moon and two yellow stars dangling from the single pierced hole of each ear.

All of her nails were painted a different fluorescent Day-Glo color and matched the jelly bracelets on her right arm.

Her hair was down, but she had small, loose french braids on either side of her head that were tied together into a bow in the back. She really looked nothing like James, but Dr. Marcus knew it had to be him, or well, it was supposed to be.

Hardly believing what she saw, the doctor stopped in her tracks. Looking James over, Dr. Marcus smiled approvingly before commenting.

"Well, I see you took my suggestion and decided to wear a bra," she paused. "Do you like this James?"

She shifted her gaze towards Carol with an impressed yet inquisitive expression on her face.

Carol saw the look and before James could say anything Carol offered, "It's Jessica, not James."

Dr. Marcus corrected herself. "I'm sorry, Jessica." And then with a smile, she added "It looks like you must really enjoy dressing as a girl, Jessica. Does this mean you have decided you like having the breast and want to live your life as a girl?"  

"Honestly, doc," James slowly replied, "I'm really just anxious to find out what answers you have for us from the blood tests. I want to know what's going on and why I'm growing breast. I haven't decided if I wanna keep them and continue living as a girl or want to just go back to being a normal boy. I mean, pretending to be a girl is fun and all. I like it, but ultimately my body is male and boys aren't supposed to dress like this, have breast, or like pretending to be a girl."

"I understand what you are saying, and would expect nothing less than conflicted feelings, being in the situation you are in, but there are options and we will get to those in a bit."

Dr. Marcus took a seat in front of a computer and pulled up the James Conner file.

"Right now," she continued, "we are going to be discussing some very personal things about your body. Some of this may be difficult for you . . . and I want you both to know that I will be here to help you through all of it. Okay?"

James nodded and his mom shifted uncomfortably in her seat, wondering what the doctor could possibly have to say. The doctor's words weren't making James feel any better either. In fact, he was becoming more nervous.

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