Chapter Thirty-five

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 35


It was O'dark thirty on the third morning following the attack when Jessica was stricken by a strong, stabbing, throbbing pain between her legs; a pain much worse than anything she had felt since the attack.

Still dark out, Jessica wasn't really awake when she rolled on her side and placed her hands between her legs, holding the pain-stricken area while the attack replayed over and over in her mind.

She continued in this dream state for several minutes before being jolted awake by another stab of pain as simultaneously in her mind, the boy kicked her groin again.

She quickly realized the intense, sharp stabbing pains she felt were very much real and not a dream.

Now wide awake, Jessica struggled to reach the lamp on the bedside table and turn it on. Throwing the covers back she managed to sit up and carefully began to examine the source of the pain.

On the underside of her penis, she observed the injury getting worse. It was becoming badly infected and she knew she wasn't going to be able to keep the attack a secret much longer if this continued. She would have to have medical attention.

Maybe, it will get worse to where they'll have to remove my penis, then I'll really be a girl.

No! The infection, if it gets worse, will cause other problems that I don't want, besides, if it gets really bad they won't be able to use the penis to create proper girl parts. What kinda life would I have without boy or girl parts down there?

Fighting through the discomfort she sat up hoping to relieve some of the pain as the argument continued to play out in her head.

She found that sitting up didn't help, if anything it made the pain worse, so she slid out of the bed and stood up.

She stood there for a moment, not moving, knowing the walk down the stairs wasn't going to be a comfortable one.

Gathering her strength, Jessica slowly, quietly headed towards the kitchen, to the cabinet where her mom kept all of the medications.

When she had finally, painfully descended the stairs and reached the kitchen she flipped the switch that turned on the lights underneath the overhead cabinets and began to search for a bottle of ibuprofen in the cabinet that contained all the medications.

No, her mom didn't keep the medications in the medicine cabinet, having learned years earlier how the heat and moisture of shower steam made the bathroom the worst place to store medicine.

Jessica moved aside a bottle of cough syrup and reached for a bottle of extra strength ibuprofen when another bottle caught her eye; a much stronger, prescription medication, Tylenol 3 with codeine.

Jessica knew this was something she wasn't supposed to touch, but she also knew it was very good at stopping pain because it was what was left of the medicine the doctor had given her after her bike accident.

She hesitated. At first, she put the bottle back, but she continued to stare at it, trying to convince herself it would be okay this one time.

Finally, she reached up and grabbed the bottle and quickly removed the cap. She poured several pills into her open palm.

Jessica then began to wonder how many she should take and remembered that before, the doctor had her taking just one every twelve hours.

She thought about the severity of that pain compared to now and decided to take two.

Jessica washed the pills down with a glass of water. She then turned and slowly headed up the stairs and back to bed.

Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn'tTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang