Chapter 26

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  • Присвячено BaBy-lelen Canseko

Hey, guys! What's up? I know, I know. This took veryyyy long. Hahaha! But hey, college is making me busy than ever. And not to mention I'm having another tv series addiction right now and it's taking most of my time. hahahaha! 

Anyway, I know this is short.. But well, I'll try to compensate with the next chapter, okay?  Which, I will be posting soon!


~beth~ ;)


Okay, Tasha. Calm down. Relax your heart. Calm down. Calm down.

I have been pacing back and forth in front of the cafeteria for a while now. Seriously, after what just happened, I feel like my heart is in frenzy.

Chill, Tasha. You are just gonna have lunch. You need to calm down. This is just a regular day. You go inside, talk to your friends. Eat lunch, and face Cole. Cole. Oh my gosh! Cole! Cole! How am I gonna face him now?

I am totally freaking out. I just realized that I am in love with my best friend a few minutes ago and now I have to face him. I feel like melting. But then I don't have a choice but to face him sooner or later, right? I took the deepest breathe I ever took and walked inside the cafeteria.

My friends were all sitting down on our usual table and they were all laughing. I smiled and sat down to my usual seat, palms sweating.

"Hey, guys!" I said softly.

"Hey, you!" Maddy grinned at me. "What took you so long?"

"Oh, n-nothing much. Just you know talk-"

"Hey, Tash. They got strawberry yogurt today too. I bought you one." Cole suddenly sat down beside me making me jump in my seat.

"Cole!" I said a little louder than I should.

Cole raised a confused eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Cole's green eyes seemed so beautiful that I can't look at them. "N-nothing at all." I replied, tearing my eyes away from him.

"Alright." He didn't sound convinced but let it go. 

The whole lunch break, I swear my heart is running a marathon. I suddenly felt self-conscious around Cole and not too mention I am growing too aware of him now.

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