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"You are NOT going, Robin." Marian announced firmly.

"I have to, Marian. It's my duty!" Robin explained.

"NO Robin. Not this time. It's way too dangerous! This is nothing like you've ever faced before." Marian contradicted.

"I have to, Marian! I can't let it keep terrorising villagers like this! Remember, Matilda is still paralysed from when she went berry-picking in the forest! And for all I knew, I could have lost you to paralysation forever!" Robin said miserably.

"Yes, but now we know the cure. Scarlett can show some affection to her mother and I bet the true love from her daughter will wake Matilda."

"But what if it doesn't!?" Robin asked.

"I'm sure it will." Marian comforted. There was a short silence where the two stood, deciding what to do next.

"I'm sorry Marian, but I'm going." Robin concluded.

"No, you can't!!" Marian pleaded.

"Yes, I need to. The villagers need me to." Robin said. Marian knew there was nothing she could do to convince him otherwise.

"Well, if you're going, I'm going too." She finalised.

"What!!? No, I couldn't risk losing you again!!" Robin exclaimed.

"And I couldn't risk losing you either." Marian replied sadly.

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