Chapter 6: Alex

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The shrill sound of my alarm clock woke me up at exactly 6:30am. Sighing, rubbing my puffy eyes and then stretching, I rolled over and heaved myself out of bed. The next half an hour went by in a blur. Before long, I stood outside with my old, shabby-looking case by my side, waiting for Jack to make an appearance.

I had already said goodbye to my parents yesterday night, after pulling myself together as much as I could about David, who had left a gaping hole in my heart. I checked my phone for the millionth time. Not one message from him. I tried so hard not to cry.

As I stood there moping, I realised that the one person I hadn't said goodbye to was my brother, who I assumed hadn't returned home until very early this morning, given away by the snores coming from his bedroom. This knowledge hurt, especially as we had always been so close, although I was relieved to hear that he was OK. Nevertheless, this did nothing to take away from the pain in my heart. I may never see him again and, if I did, it could be a number of years down the line. Yet, even then, he may not want to see me.

At seven o'clock exactly, I checked my watch, before looking around me. There was absolutely no sign of Jack.

"Glad to see you're raring to go," Jack's voice suddenly sounded from behind me. I let out a shriek as I spun around, heart hammering, before I glared up into his beaming face. "It makes a change to see that someone's taken my warning about being ready on time seriously. That way, you don't have to face the consequences."

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I scolded him, clutching my chest with my free hand once I had got my voice back. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. I didn't even hear you arrive."

Jack flashed me a grin.

"That's because I've mastered the art of vanishing and reappearing unexpectedly," he said, winking at me and waggling his fingers, before his face turned serious. "However," he concluded, "we can't afford to stand here talking. We need to go like now. I have a schedule to keep to you know. Are you ready?"

Sighing, I nodded.

"Good," he replied, before he took my marked hand in his. Thankfully, my mark no longer stung, although I did notice that, rather shockingly, it was now glowing a vibrant blue colour. It's was beautiful. This changed through the moment our marks touched. They instantly glowed a bright white, causing me to gasp. "Then let's go and make sure," he added, "whatever you do, don't...let...go."

I didn't have time to collect my thoughts. Immediately, the pavement beneath us fell away. I let out a shriek whilst we dropped through the ground, as if we had just taken a plunge on the tallest rollercoaster, minus the straps. Far below us, I saw a gigantic, black vortex swirling hungrily. I screamed at this sight, filled with utter terror as very gradually, Jack and I were pulled towards its darkening core. I felt the urge to do the one thing Jack warned me not to in my panic.

I loosened my grip.

"NO!" Jack shouted, over the tremendous noise, his eyes filled with panic at my response. "NO. DON'T...LET...GO!"

As soon as the words had left his lips, I felt his hand tighten in mine.

There was no way I could escape now.

It was a good job he held me tighter for, abruptly afterwards, the vortex seemed to inhale an almighty breath. The two of us span faster and faster in such a way that I was almost violently sick. Then I, screaming all the way and keeping my eyes firmly shut, whilst desperately trying to manage my heaving stomach, along with Jack, was swallowed up by complete blackness. 


I'm with Alex on this one. Being sucked into a black void is scary as hell. I wonder where she finds herself?

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