Chapter 11: Alex

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The grounds themselves were vast. As we explored as much of this area as possible, trying to see through the gathering mist, we walked along many winding, hilly paths, which were accompanied with gigantic, tall hedges either side. Along our journey, we would happen upon small, open spaces where, before us, in stunning glory, were different fountains made of expensive marble. These fountains sprayed jets of water high above our heads in some form of elaborate dance. Furthermore, powerful statues, depicting different kinds of creatures and humans, both mythical and real, chiselled to perfection, pointed us towards our intended destination.

When Jasmine and I came across these areas on our exploration, we giggled in amazement and delight, before sitting down on the fountain edge and resting our tired feet for a moment, hearing the birds call around us and allowing the wind to rustle our hair. Apart from these noises, we couldn't hear anything else.

It was then that Jasmine revealed her powers to me. I had put my feet up on the fountain edge and was looking into the murky water, watching the koi carp beneath us swim lazily about, when the mist around us thinned into nothingness.

Suddenly, glorious sunshine fell down upon us like a ray from heaven. The moment this happened, I looked up at Jasmine, startled, as the warmth seeped through my thick coat, heating my cold skin. Seeing the swirling colours in her eyes, I realised that she was responsible for the change in weather.

I laughed in delight and wonder.

"Jazz," I abruptly cried, jumping up and down in excitement, before twirling around, now toasty warm. "Oh WOW. Your powers are amazing."

She laughed.

"Thanks," she said, grinning and I noticed that she had even made the clouds wonderfully fluffy, as if it were a glorious summer's day rather than a frosty winter. "It was getting far too cold out here for my liking, so I decided to do something about it."

I beamed at her.

"And you think my powers are 'oh so wonderful'?" I answered, looking at her in awe. "God. I'd love to have yours any day. Thinking about it," I added, "I'd ensure that England was permanently bathed in hot sunshine."

After my comment, Jasmine flashed me a smile, nodding in agreement. However, before she replied, her face somewhat darkened.

"You say that and yet, when I 'awakened', my powers were a nightmare to control. As soon as I experienced this change," she explained, "I created a storm over London, after finding out that I had failed my Science exam, nearly causing my teacher to be sucked into the core of a swirling hurricane!"

I laughed at hearing this statement, particularly as I remembered the weather report I had seen on the BBC news commenting on such a story.

It was still causing a buzz now.

Most meteorologists had stated that the whole incident was a freak occurrence of 'global warming'. Clearly, they had never heard of an 'awakening' before and the mind modification scouts had done their job properly.

Oblivious to my reminiscence, Jasmine continued on, unfazed.

"It was only through the help of my scout that I eventually managed to regain the upper hand. Also, this means that even now," she added, "I have to have complete focus in order to stop them from spiralling out of control."

As soon as she had finished talking, the humour of the situation dampened. I realised that she was speaking the truth. This was because I noticed that the sunlight was wavering and large grey clouds were beginning to form, high above our heads. Now, as I spoke, my voice had a faint uneasy tone to it.

Book 1: Awakening (The VIth Element Series)Where stories live. Discover now