Chapter 23: Alex

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Power Control couldn't have been a more incredible lesson. It was by far the greatest subject ever devised and, to make matters even better, it was taught by the gorgeous young professor who always sat next to Hecate, at the high table, during dinner. As a result of this fact, I was in my element, excuse the pun.

In total, there were four of us in this class, three girls and one boy, including me and all of us possessed elemental powers. They, like me, had only just 'awoken' and they came from a variety of backgrounds. As I listened to Mr Allan talk, I realised that he could melt ice with just one look. Mr Allan was a fire bender (rather appropriately) which he demonstrated with rapturous applause by creating a dragon out of thin air and causing it to fly around the training room. It breathed out puffs of smoke through its nose and fire, whilst it soared around our heads. Nevertheless, not long after this breath-taking display, it was our turn to show what we could do, as Mr Allen explained the aims of this starter lesson.

"As it is the first time you have ever undertaken this subject," he explained, wiping his sweaty brow on the back of his hand. His tricks had raised the temperature of the room considerably, although I was pretty sure his presence alone had that effect. "I'll make this first lesson easy. All the same," he continued, "you'll gradually build upon your powers over time, until you eventually become the best that you can possibly be. That is and will always be, our motto and aim."

As Mr Allen spoke, I listened to his words in excited eagerness, which he noted in the small smile he gave me, causing my heart to flutter. There was no doubt that I was going to become one of those silly school girls who fawned over him whenever he was around.

His final words brought me back to reality.

"However, before we reach that stage, I'd like to carry out a meet-and-greet session. Therefore, I'd like you to make a small circle on the floor. Then, we can get down to business."

With a curt nod, the four of us sat down.

Subsequently, the lesson began.

First to speak was a tiny, slim girl with emerald eyes, who smiled shyly at all of us in the group.

"Hi." She began in a small, quiet voice, blushing and fiddling with her flowery top. "My name's Ivy and I can control the element of earth."

Most of us met this introduction with delighted and welcoming smiles, although I rolled my eyes at hearing her name, which would also go on the lengthening list.

When Ivy had finished her introduction, Mr Allen chipped in with a question.

"Would you like to demonstrate your talent Ivy?" He asked her, grinning in such a charming way that her body immediately relaxed and caused me to swoon. "I'm sure that the rest of us would love to see your powers."

After he had finished his request, Ivy's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Sure," she replied smiling before, closing her eyes, she began her demonstration.

Within the room, Mr Allen had set up a variety of objects, which directly linked to our individual elements. As soon as Ivy began using her powers, one of the items in the room abruptly sprung into life. It was a flower pot, full of fertiliser and, as soon as she started her display, the pot started to twitch and wriggle on the table, causing it to vibrate so violently that we all thought it might tip over any second.

As I watched in excitement, a single rose was born out of this once solitary container in a beautiful, blood-red colour. This stimulating birth was met with a contented sigh from Ivy, as she realised her demonstration had been a success, before her green eyes gradually opened.

Book 1: Awakening (The VIth Element Series)Where stories live. Discover now