04. 3 years later.

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3 years later.

YES! She could afford her dream vacation with her boyfriend-soon-to-be-fiancé. She was hoping that he would proposed on vacation. They've been dating for 2 complete years. Maybe it was going to happen, at sunset on the beach... Oh how would that be the perfect story to tell their grandchildren! 

'' All the passengers for Flight 246 leaving for Dominican Republic may lead to door JC01 please. ''

She turned to her boyfriend, Matthew. 

'' I can't believe we're doing this. We're going one week together. Complete privacy. No working, just being lazy. Are you not excited? ''

'' It's just that I have so much work to do, and it's calling me from our apartment. I can hear it. '' He reached down for a kiss.

'' Don't be silly. And forget work.'' She kissed him back. ''Now let's go! ''

Nothing particular happened on the flight. They were holding each others hand all the time. She just couldn't let him go. Now that she met him, she was not about to let him slip through between her fingers. Matthew was the too-sweet-to-be-human kind of guy. Even though sometime he could be rather particular. First thing she did when they laid on the ground was text her family to say then were fine, then she turned off her phone. So did Matthew, after fifteen minutes of texting. No agency for a week. No stars business to deal with. No communication with her usual world. 

'' Come on beautiful. We've got a bus to catch if we want to get to the hotel. ''

He grabbed his luggage and she thought he was going to grab hers to, but he started to walk away. She grabbed her luggage and walked by his side, with a huge smile, and headed to a man who was holding a piece of paper with her name written on it. 

'' Emma O'Neery ? '' The man asked, rolling his r's.

'' Indeed, monsieur. I guess you're the one in charge of our vacations? Your name is Fred, right? ''

'' Indeed, mademoiselle. I heard you speak french? ''

'' J'ai pris des cours il y a quelques années. Vous préférez le français ou l'espagnol ? ( I took classes few years ago. Do you prefer french or Spanish? ) ''

'' Les gens ici parlent tous espagnol. Si vous voulez que personne ne vous comprennent, nous devrions parler français. (Most of the people here speak spanish. If you don't want them to understand, we should speak in french.) ''

'' Oh well, If you say so. '' She smiled following him to a bus which was full of complete strangers. The man entered it and chose the very last seat with three places.

'' Gardez vos bagages prêts de vous, il y a beaucoup de voleurs dans le coin. (Keep you luggage close. There are a lot of thiefs around here.) '' The bus started to roll in the direction of the first hotel.

'' Guys. I don't get a thing of what you're saying. '' Sighed Matthew. 

'' Don't worry, honey. I'm taking care of this, '' She said. He shrugged. 

''Alors dites-moi Fred. Quel est le numéro de notre chambre, quelles activités devrions-nous faire cette semaine? (Tell me Fred, what is our room number and what activity should we do this week?) ''

''  Are you sure you can't speak in English? Please? '' Asked Matthew with big eyes, being impatient.

Fred observed the people in the bus. 

'' I guess, since everybody seems to be sleeping, that would could use your language. '' Smiled the tanned man. Matthew gave him a quick thank you.

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