09. It's Raining Man.

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Sara was getting married today and Emma could swear she was more nervous than her bestfriend. She took a deep breath and pushed the door revealing the bride.

'' Oh my,'' whispered Emma, her mouth slightly opened in shock.  Sara was standing on a little stand, observing her reflection in the long and large mirror. 

'' What? Tell me Emma. WHAT?!''  She panicked. Maybe Sara was a little nervous, after all.

'' Sara, you're the prettiest bride I've ever seen in my entire life. '' She reassured, putting her hand on the back of her friend. 

Sara's eyes laid on the reflection of Emma.

'' I'm glad you can be here to share this moment with me, Emma.'' Her eyes were starting to water up, which was no good because she just spent 3 hours with a make up artist. 

Emma moved her head from left to right, in an attempt to hide her childish smile. She walked to the table where she took a tissu out of its box and wiped off Sara's tears. '' Where could I be? This is the most important day of your life and I love you, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. '' 

Sara grabbed Emma's hand. She was shaking. Nervousness was slowly taking over. Emma did her best to support her friend. 

'' You will be fine. I will not let you down. I will be waiting at the end of the aisle, with your husband to be. You know you want this Sara, now is not the time to panic. Take a deep breath,'' she breathed in sync with her friend, to give her the courage to let go of the stress, ''That's my girl!'' she smiled. 

'' You know Tom is coming, right?'' Sara asked, abruptly changing the subject.

Emma sighed, as her shoulder tensed. '' Yes. He told me.''

There was a heavy silent. 

'' How are you going to deal with this? '' Sara softly asked.

Emma thought about it for a second. The last time she saw him, they were kissing in a typical old's Montreal alley. She had to let go of him because she truly had work to do. In the next weeks, she only contacted him to get the contract done. Yet, they were only talking to each other for professional reasons, nothing personal. 

'' Listen, I know you want to talk about it,'' Emma knew there was no escape with Sara,'' but today is your day and there is no way we're having this discussion here and now. Let's go, your dad is waiting for you.'' 

The wedding was beautiful. It was happening behind an old-fashioned church and the sun was shinning bright, like a blessing above their heads. 

 Emma thought that Sara was gorgeous and literally glowed at that moment when Rogriguez put the ring around her finger. Then Sara threw her bouquet of beautiful roses... Sara rose her arms in the air but she wasn't tall enough.

Tom was enjoying a blue drink - called a Pacific - with Rodriguez at the bar.

Then he heard all the females of the place whining and he turned around.

Just in time to catch the bouquet of flowers.

Rodriguez raised a brow a him, ''Expect the unexpected,'' he quoted with a deep tone. 

Tom eyes laid on Emma at that very moment. 

He already knew he was going to spend the rest of his life with her. He just didn't know when. The last time they spoke to each other, he kissed her. But then he had to go away and they only spoke to come to a deal concerning his contract with her agency. This was going to be odd, really odd. 

Hey walked toward her, with the flowers in hand. He held them out for her to grab as her cheeks burned red.

'' Hi, '' she shyly said taking the roses off his hands.

'' Hello darling, '' he whispered, his eyes locked with hers. '' Care to dance ? '' he asked. 

She nodded giving the bouquet to Sara's cousin who was 8, Madeleine.

He put a on her waist and softly guided her to the floor where a classical song was filling the air.

'' We didn't have the chance to have a proper discussion after our kiss,'' he laid next to her ear.

She softly giggled . ''I was fearing the day we were going to speak about this relationship. Because I frankly have no idea where it's going Tom. Do you ?'' she confessed.

He nodded,'' I know you're the woman that I will marry and live until death broke us apart, and that's all I need to know. ''

Emma never thought she would hear such words in her life. It felt to good too be true. He took a step in her direction, as she adapted her dance to his.

'' Then what are we waiting for? '' She asked suddenly.

'' I was waiting for the right timing. ''

And that is how even if feelings have to be involve, it's all about the right timing. 


Yes this is the last chapter, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I don't think it could have been longer because it's not about how they live together after this (all though it could be really interesting) but how they would come to meet in time. 

Thank you for all your support, comments and votes.


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