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"So this is my wife, Taehee." Jimin introduced you to the married couple sitting across you.

Between you and Jimin, there seated his cousins, Soeul and Daeul.

Jimin took a deep breath before introducing them to his friend, "And these are Soeul and Daeul, our children.."

"Awww they are so cute." The woman in front of you said as she pinched Daeul's cheek.

Daeul was embarrassed and quickly hid in your arms as he moved to your lap.

"Appa, I want to eat cake." Soeul said to Jimin, already playing her role like what he asked her to do.

Jimin quickly called the waiter and ordered what she asked. The three of them were busy talking to each other except you. Busy eating and feeding Daeul who was still sitting on your lap.

Hours passed by and his friend finally left. Both of you were tired for faking everything the whole time. Soeul and Daeul were both peacefully sleeping in your arms.

When you thought that everything had finally over, your eyes fell on something only to see Jungkook standing right in front of you. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard. He was obviously mad and his glare tore your heart apart.

Before you could utter a word to him, Jungkook grabbed Jimin's collar as if he was ready to fight him. He had no idea that the guy was actually Jimin until he saw his face.

"The heck, hyung?!" He widened his eyes and quickly released him from his grip when he realized who he was.

Jungkook just froze there, not expecting him to be the man the staff mistook him as.

Meanwhile, you immediately shot Taehyung a death glare for failing to do his job.

"It's not like what you see, Jungkook-ah. Actually..." Jimin began to explain everything to him from A to Z.

Jungkook did listen to him, but he still couldn't get his eyes off of you. After listening to his explanation, he didn't know what to feel anymore. Everything was a mess.

"Let's go back home, it's almost 11. The cafe is closing also." Taehyung stated.

Seeing the sleeping Daeul in your arms, Jungkook immediately moved to your side. "Let me carry him."

He slowly carried Daeul, then gestured you to carry Soeul. Both Jimin and Taehyung envied watching  the two of you from behind.


As you arrived in front of the apartment door, you were about to hand Daeul to Jimin but he didn't want to let you go. Soeul who was already awake only laughed at her little brother's behaviour.

"I guess he will have a sleepover at your place tonight." Jimin chuckled.

Soeul walked to your side and softly pulled your dress to make you look at her.

"Can I stay at your place too tonight?" She cutely asked. No one could reject the cutie's request.


After Soeul had fallen asleep, Jungkook suddenly appeared. He sat next to you on the bed but said nothing at first. He just watched those kids sleeping peacefully in silent.

"There's something that I want to tell you." He suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

"I'm not jealous at all, seeing you with Jimin-hyung or whoever." He said before adding,

"I'm just scared, that you cheated on me before I lost my memories, and that I would look like a fool in front of everyone."

For a few seconds of silence, he received no answer until you suddenly leaned over him and linked your arm with his. He was a bit startled by your sudden action.

"I really want you to get your memories back, and love me back just like before. That's all." You said and then stopped talking all of a sudden.

Jungkook tilted his head a bit to look at your face and noticed that both your eyes had already closed.

He realized how exhausted you were.

He started to think, maybe he was wrong for accusing you of cheating on him this whole time. Maybe everyone were right. Maybe he really loved you before.


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