Bonus: Another Fight?

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"Mom, why didn't you marry Taehyung-samchon before?" The seven years old Jeon Jimin asked out of the blue.

You remained silent, stunned by the sudden question from a young boy like him.

"Wait, what? Why?"

"You always fight with dad." He shrugged like an adult, brows raised high.

"He is such a jerk... for stealing my ice cream." You muttered so that Jimin could barely hear you.

You shook your head to dismiss the thoughts and flashed a smile at him, "Forget about it. Now, let's sleep."

"Mom, you know this bed is too narrow for us two!" He whined as you forced yourself to fit in the small single bed which was exactly for Jimin's size.

"We can fit!" You laughed.

Jimin sighed, but having his beloved mom to stay with him for the whole night actually made him happy inside.

"When are you going to make up with each other?"



The way he talked, somehow reminded you of Jungkook. Well, like father, like son.

The next morning, you were awake by the streaks of sunlight penetrated the window. Slowly, you opened your eyes. Blinked, closed your eyes, then blinked again. Took you a few seconds to notice that Jimin had gone. Probably to school.

"Ugh. I'm already late for work, I bet." You frowned and reluctantly dragged your feet to the bathroom.

But then something that was marked red on the calender stopped you from walking. You turned your head to the calendar and saw something written near the date.

"Jimin's Sports Day?!"


Before getting off from the car, you wore a black mask first not to get noticed by Jungkook and Jimin in an instant as you were still in dilemma whether to join them or not. Jungkook and you hadn't spoken to each other since last night as you wanted him to apologize first. But he insisted, that stealing your ice cream which you'd secretly kept in the freezer to enjoy later on wasn't a serious matter.

Because of that, both of you got into a really big fight.

Through the gate, you could see many people gathered on the field. All of the kids were standing by their parents' sides and when you scanned the crowds, two familiar faces caught your eyes in an immediate.

Jungkook and Jimin were there, both looked a little bit quiet and awkward than usual. The looks of lack of confidence on their faces made you worried sick.

"Excuse me," a voice startled you from behind.

When you turned around to look at the owner of the voice, stood a woman in her 40s. She was wearing a hat with a sunflower on it, a big sunglasses with a silver whistle hung around her neck. She was obviously one of the teachers there.

"You must be one of the parents, right? Which one is your child?" She softly asked.

"That one." You pointed at Jimin.

She nodded her head and suddenly grabbed for your wrist, in a gentle way though, "We are starting, you should go to your team now."

Before you could say anything, you were dragged to a big tent and she sticked a number 16 sticker on your shirt. After that, she dragged you again to the crowds, heading to where Jungkook stood. Each step that you took, increased your heart rate as you got near and nearer to him.

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