Chapter One

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Love. When you hear that word, you probably think of couples growing old together, or that they will live happily ever after like any fairy tale. Like a normal person would.

When I hear that word, I think of my first love, the one who broke my heart, the way he broke it, and what made me, well me.

Zack. That was the dicks name. He was too good to be true. Captain of the football, and soccer team. He was quite the charmer. And I was the nice, sweet, pretty nerd.

He asked me to do the science project together in freshman year. Being the naive girl I was, I said yes.

Then he started showing me more affection than just class partners. He said the sweetest things to me, made me feel like I was worth living, even though some would say I wasn't.

He asked me on dates, and soon asked me to be his girlfriend. It was the best three years of my life.

But one night, he wanted to go to a party. Guess what I said? 'Yes, I would love to.' Silly me. But even if I didn't say that, maybe it would've been the same.

That night, I was going to finally give my virginity card to him. That's right, dated for three years, and I was still a virgin. Three years was enough for me to know that this was love. I dressed up in my favorite pants, my favorite shirt, did my hair up in the cutest hair do ever.

All I could think was that it was going to be the best night of my life. Boy was I wrong. We were separated later in the night, and I couldn't wait anymore. So I texted him saying to meet me in the bedroom across the bathroom upstairs.

I walked up, and went to the bedroom I told him to meet me. I checked to see if there was any noise coming from that bedroom, to make sure we weren't going to walk in on anyone. There was none. So I went in.

There he was. With another chick. Having sex. I was completely startled. Of course any one would've been.

He saw me, and what does he say? 'Emma, it's not what it looks like.' Like what everyone says when they get caught cheating. Who the fuck says that? Like, 'oh hey, yeah, I totally didn't mean to have sex with her, it just happened.' No one.

So I left. What else could I do? I didn't want to be near the place where I saw my boyfriend, my first love, the one I trusted, cheating on me.

The next day, when I went to school, I tried to avoid Zack. And it worked for a bit. Not until lunch though.

He said that he was drunk and thought it was me. Like what the fuck? We have never had sex, so that had made no sense. I asked him how many times? Guess what? Every. Fucking. Week.

That's right. When he left my house, he would go to the same chicks place, and have sex. The reasoning, was because, in his own words, 'You weren't giving me any. I loved you, but I wanted to have sex sometimes.'

I replied with, 'Well guess what? I was planning on giving up my virginity card to you at that party. I thought it was time and that I loved you.'

He looked so startled, and I was just in tears. So I ran out, and didn't come back to school for a day. By then everyone knew.

And that is what I think of when I hear the L word.

He ruined that word for me. And I will never forgive him. Or that stupid bitch that he was having sex with.

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