Chapter Three

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"I dare you to kiss the hottest girl here," he told Grayson.

He looked at the three of us, looked at Vanessa, then looked at me.

Vanessa, me, Vanessa, me, he never looked away. And all I could think was, was Grayson going to kiss me?


Right at this exact moment, I was sitting on the floor. In the middle of the basement of my evil neighbor. And I only say that because I'm pretty sure he's about to kiss me.

His dare is to kiss the hottest girl in the room. Currently, there is only Vanessa, another girl I don't know, and me. And Grayson is looking at me.

He leans over, and just as we are about to kiss, my phone rings.

Saved by my phone.

I picked up my phone, and saw that it was Zack. As in the one and only one who cheated on me and broke my heart.

Looking up, I tell everyone, "I'm gonna take this real quick."

Getting up, and walking over to the other side of the room, I answer the call.

"What do you want?" I asked him right away.

"Hello to you to babe," he slurred. Great, he's drunk.

"You don't get to call me that, remember?" I retorted.

He snorts, "oh come on babe. We both know you want me back."

"Yeah, because I want to get back with you. Not in a million years. So keep dreaming," I replied with.

"Oh come on! I miss you, I love you."

Love. That's all I hear. Love. That one word. That repulsive word.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You don't mean that. And besides, even if you did, I couldn't say the same to you."

"Really? Why do you have to be such a bitch? You were never like that. Why start?"

"I'm a bitch? You really want to go there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," he said.

"Fine. I'm a bitch because you decided to fuck my best friend. She knew about us, and she didn't say sorry. All you could've done is explain yourself! Instead you make up excuses. Lies. That's all our relationship was. A. Big. Fat. Fucking. Lie. Now I don't want you to call me or anything ever again," I told him.

"But-" he started to speak again, but I hung up. Turning around, I see everyone staring at me.

"Who was that?" Mason asked.

"Um.... An old friend," I replied. They all looked at me with confusing expressions. You can tell they didn't believe me.

"Well I should get going. Thanks for letting me come over," I said while leaving the basement. I wasn't expecting any one to follow me, but Grayson decided to.

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