Chapter #5

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"What are you doing here?" Poseidon asked.

Percy looked at his father than the rest of the Olympians. "I have a request, my lords, and ladies," Percy said.

"What is your request?" Zeus asked, obviously annoyed he was there.

"I want you to give me a job.

Most of the Olympians just looked at Percy in confusion. It's not every day someone comes all the way to Olympus and assembles the Olympians just to get a job. The only one who didn't look confused was Zeus, he looked more disappointed.

"Are you sure your request isn't for us to kill you?" Zeus asked hopefully.

"What? Why would I want you to kill me?" Percy asked confused.

Zeus shrugged and said with a sigh, "One can hope."

"Anyways, what kind of job do you want?" Hera asked, sending a small glare at Zeus.

"Anything to get me away from camp for a few months," Percy said.

"Why do you want to get away from camp?" Apollo asked.

"Yes, and what about Annabeth," Athena added.

Percy's face hardened at the mention of Annabeth's name."We broke up." He said emotionlessly, but his eyes showed sadness and pain.

Aphrodite, Apollo, Hermes, and Demeter looked surprised. Artemis looked like she expected it. Zeus, Ares, Dionysus, and Hephaestus looked like they cared less. Poseidon and Hera looked at him sympathetically. Athena looked downright murderous.

"What! What did you do?" Athena exclaimed angrily.

Percy remained emotionless and said, "I did nothing."

This seemed to tick off Athena even more. "Then why did you break up." She asked anger laced in her words.

"She cheated on me," Percy said bluntly.

A look of shock was evident on everyone, except for Hera and Poseidon, before one of outrage appeared on Athena's face. "Lies!" Athena exclaimed as she stood up.

Poseidon stood up, trident in hand and bellowed, "You dare call my son a liar?"

Athena was about to retort but Percy cut her off. "Dad it's fine," Percy said calmly before turning to Athena. "I swear on the River Styx that Annabeth Chase cheated on me."

Thunder boomed in the distance as Athena waited for Percy to be smitted. When he was untouched a look of shock overcame her. She stumbled back into her throne like someone had punched her.

"Like I said, she cheated on me. Now, about the job?" Percy asked emotionlessly.

Zeus gained a contemplative look as he thought. There were a lot of jobs that such a powerful demigod could do. He could be assigned to collect demigod children, help out around Olympus, guard Mount Oryths in case anyone tries to trap someone under the sky to free Atlas like they did with Artemis. 'Artemis' Zeus thought gleefully. He knew exactly what job to give Percy. It would give Percy something to do (Not that Zeus cared), he would be able to get revenge on Percy for declining godhood, and it would help Zeus keep Artemis safe.

A sadistic smile spread across Zeus' face that made Percy feel uneasy. "I have the perfect job for you," Zeus said proudly.

Everyone in the room looked at Zeus, waiting for him to reveal his idea. "You will be assigned to travel with the hunt," Zeus said while smirking.

"What!?" Percy and Artemis exclaimed in shock and anger.

"You heard me. Percy will be traveling with the hunt. It will get him away from camp while giving Artemis and her hunt more protection." Zeus said sternly.

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