Chapt. 8) Heavy Flight

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~Elena's POV~
Panic. That's all I could do. Where was I? I was in a bedroom of some sort but it's weirdly shaped and moving. Thoughts were swarming through my head. Was I dreaming? Did I finally keel over? Was I dead?

My thoughts were interrupted by the door of 'my' bedroom swinging open. My eyes were wide. It can't be! I'm free!

I jumped off the bed and jumped into Abel's arms. The tingles I felt were intense but I didn't mind them.

He did it... he actually did it! He got me out of that hell hole. All I could do was hug him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I whispered in his ear repeatedly.

"Elena shh stop." he said laughing.

His laugh, his husky, sexy laugh my god it makes me melt.

"I will never stop. I was about to get killed off by my 'mate'. You saved me! You freaking saved me Abel!" I screeched.

"Ow. That was right by my ear." He said while laughing.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so excited and happy that I get to be out of that stupid cage." I said still hugging him extremely close to me.

"Well I'm glad you're happy. You deserve all of the happiness in the world amore mio." He said while lightly kissing my cheek.

The electricity I felt as his lips brushed across my skin made me hug him tighter and he seemed to realize that.

"I love the effect I have on you amore mio." He whispered in my ear causing me to cling to him even tighter.

You could honestly say I was squeezing him to death but it's his fault. He made me do it. He made me feel that way.

As soon as I realized how I was acting I felt so 'clingy', ha pun intended. I decided to release my grip from around him and he did the same. I slipped down his tall figure until my feet reached the floor. All I did was stare at his beautiful face until my stomach decided to make itself known. All I heard was a grumble and then a laugh. His laugh.

"Are you hungry princess?" He asked amused.

"Hmm let me think about this." I said acting to think extremely hard.

"Yeah I think I am." I said with a laugh.

"Is Elena getting sassy with me?" He asked with his eyebrow raised and amusement in his eyes.

"I don't know am I?" I said back to him with a small smirk.

"Hmm maybe you should be punished for talking to an Alpha with that tone." He said as he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. He started to walk out of the bedroom and down a little side hall.

"Put me down!" I screamed. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Sorry but who's the Alpha again? I don't take orders from others well amore mio." He said.

I couldn't see his face but I could just tell he was smirking.

"You know I really like this view." He said while he slapped my butt, which earned him a gasp.

"Abel! How dare you! Put me down so I can beat you up." I said while slapping his back.

"If you slap like that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even have a red handprint." He said laughing.

As we walked out of the little side hallway he carried me to a little modern looking seating area. It looked like those private jets in a movie, leather seats across from each other with little tables in between the chairs.

"A plane?" I asked as he finally set me down in a chair.

"Wow so observant, what would I do without you?" He asked sarcastically.

He got a slap on the arm. "Hey! I've never been on a plane before so hush it buddy". I said pointing my finger at him.

He just chuckled and held his hands up in surrender."Sorry, Sorry. I'm going to go find you some food. I'll be back, stay here."

"Are you kidding me? Where could I possibly go?" I asked staring at him.

"You could jump out the window duh." He said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Yeah you won't be seeing me jump out of a plane anytime soon." I said while looking out of the window.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second. Oh by the way we are going back to my pack in Italy." He said walking away.

Italy? Hell yes. I was so excited. Ever since I moved from Italy I've been missing it like crazy. The people, the food, the environment. I miss it so much and now that I'm going back I'm so freaking ecstatic.

"I'm back with your food my lady." Abel said while bowing.

"Ew stop. Don't ever do that again." I said while laughing at him.

He just smiled back at me. "No promises."

I started to eat my food. It was delicious. Abel was telling me how he's excited to cook for me once we get back to Italy and how he thinks I'm going to beg him to cook for me every morning and night. Sike. I can cook myself and I'm not going to give in to his little desires yet.

Abel told me that we would be landing soon and I was so happy. I would be back to my origins. Italy. The place where I was born and raised. As all of this excitement and information started to sink in, I started to wonder about my pack and my parents. My mom was like my best friend. My dad was also a best friend. What would I do without them? They were always there for me and did anything to make me happy. Are they safe? Are they alive?

I felt some tears stream down my face. All I could do was cry just thinking about them.

"When we get home can I call my parents. They must be worried and have probably been looking forever for me." I asked looking out the window trying of I hide my tears.

He came over, sat across from me and tilted my head with his hands under my chin.

"Of course love anything for you. Don't be too worried, your parents already know that you're with me. They were very happy for us to be together." He said while wiping my tears.

"Really? They know? Thank god! I was so worried that they would be out looking for me and get hurt or something. Wait how do they even know you?" I asked suspicious.

"Our families go way back. When we get home I will tell you everything and anything you want to know." He said with a reassuring smile.

My parents are safe. They aren't looking for me and risking their lives. I'm so relieved with my life right now. I have an amazing man that actually cares for me, loves me, and feeds me, my parents are safe, my brother is safe, and most importantly I'm alive.


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