Chaper Three

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Chapter 3

Noah's voice was stuck in his throat, he didn't know what to say, baby, did this Adonis like man really just say that? Realizing it would look even weirder if he just kept staring, he decided he should say something.

"I didn't mean to bump into you, I kind of just lost my balance and then I couldn't see too well cause as you can see it's so dark in here."

"And the-n my friend who said she wouldn't leave me alone did leave me alone... and then I saw her but she kept bloody changing where she was going so I knew if I wanted to catch up to her I had to be quick before she was off again."

Noah felt out of breath after he realised he was more of less rambling on too fast; he did that a lot when he felt nervous and around this hunk he definitely felt it.

He was about to say something when a middle aged man came up behind him, glancing quickly at Noah he carried on to say.

"Jess is here and she wants to go over a couple of issues with you, plus you need to move Cain, you're not going to get any privacy out here with the press and all these guests around". Still gazing at Noah he said.

"Tell her to wait D, 'I'll be there, but for right now I'm a bit busy" moving away D just nodded before he left Cain with the little brunette once again.

"So you're Cain, the fighter?" Noah asked in a hushed tone, it was more of a statement than a question, but he didn't know what to think or do.

There was this beautiful man in front of him thinking he was one of those models that you see off of 'men health' magazine, only to find out it was 'the animal' fighter that the bartender had warned .

It did make sense though, he was built, well body of a god more like Noah thought, still it made him feel anxious being this close to a tough sexy fighter.

Sensing Noah's worries he pushed his hands of the brunettes petite shoulders and moved them just above his waist and tugged the smaller man closer to his body.

"So you do know who I am, but you don't have to worry I'm not trying to be 'the fighter' right now, it's just Cain to you" gently easing Noah's uncertainty by rubbing his thumb though Noah's top he asked

"I didn't get your name sweetheart".

The thumb that was tracing circles on his waist was making it hard to think, Noah felt so close to the firm body before him even worse he wanted to press further.. god he smells good.

"Noa-h, its um Noah" he replied with a small smile.

Looking up into that rugged face he couldn't get over just how handsome Cain was, those deep set hazel eyes, hair shaved close buzz cut, usually he didn't like near shaved hair, but with Cain's strong jaw and clear cut cheek bones Noah knew anything would look with that face

lucky bastard.

Chuckling, Cain new the adorable man before him was indeed ogling him, he was flattered that the small brunette was checking him out thinking I should be the one staring at you baby.

Something behind Noah's head caught his gaze abruptly, she was glaring at him while tapping her foot in a annoyed manner, D was standing behind with a I'm sorry man, she's the boss look on his face.

Staring back he eyed the red head, grumbling goddamit Jessica, I said to wait but Cain knew his manager wouldn't leave until he followed her out and talked about his upcoming fight,.

Sighing he nodded his head and watched her narrow her eyes before walking away with D in tow.

Looking back down at the man fidgeting nervously in his arms, he groaned "Noah" the brunettes startled eyes looked up.

"My manager needs to talk to me right now, so I'm going to have leave" "o.okay" understanding Noah tried to remove himself from Cain's arms, only to have himself pressed harder against the man's hard body.

"Cain you can let go now" whispered Noah for some reason he felt weird about not seeing Cain, leaving the warmth of the those strong arms, crazy as he only just met him and he knew the man was busy, still, he felt low.

Pushing a little back so Cain could see Noah's face, he answered.

"Don't try and leave like that, my managers a hard ass, but she wouldn't ask to see me if it wasn't important, believe me I would rather dance with you, to stay to get to know you more, shit why did she need me now?!".

"Um I could give you my number and we could do this later, when you're not so busy? proposed Noah "besides I need to find my friend right now", without waiting for an answer he removed one of his company cards that A got him when he first got his job at a large marketing firm and slid one into the right breast pocket of Cain's t-shirt.

About to take his hand away, but Cain gripped it back and placed it firmly on top of the pocket within his own.

ahh shit thought Noah.

Holding Noah's hand, he kept his eyes on brunette, he could see and feel the man before him squirming, a smirk ghosted his face and Cain closed the distances between their faces murmuring softly "Mmm I think I'd like that, I'll call you soon to pick a day".

Brushing his nose against Noah, in a low voice he added "but just remember this until then baby", cupping the man's face he softly brushed his lips against Noah's plump ones, gently licking the brunettes bottom lip, a whimper escaped from the small man.

Clutching onto to those broad shoulders, Noah gently kept pecking those firm lips, Cain was driving him crazy with the soft licks to his lip, whimpering with need he tried to deepen the kiss but Cain kept it delicate.

fuck. He's going to slowly drive me crazy with this.

Cain pushed back from the kiss, not wanting to deepen it any further without being able to carry, cause shit he so would've, placed a quick peck to the little brunettes cheek

"See you baby" and left to see what his goddamn manager wanted.

It better be worth my time jess.


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