Don't Speak, Liar

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OK!! So a friend of mine caught me playing and singing this song and pointed out how stupid i was, that this was the perfect title for this and i was like, *whack side of the head* you're right!!! lol!!! so here it is, sadly he is a none believer of social networks, so... yeah. thanks Jakeeeeey!!!!



So, this currently has no title, so i'm giving you guys the opportunity to give the title for this chapter and probably SOME other chapters i'll be uploading tonight, so... grab your IPODS and scroll through it, find me the perfect song for this!!! :)




I flip to the next page of the book that i was reading, pushing out the events of the past days. It pissed me off a bit that even Rham seem to have turned for the worst.

I haven't seen him since yesterday and I was sort of happy with that seeing that he seemed to have no plans of really being helpful or anything.

I know I didn't want to get him involved in my mess, but seriously, he has control on this but he just wouldn't make solution.

A proof of that is having the chains back on my ankle, he didn't even say that it was unnecessary as I was in no shape to escape what more get through all the guards outside.

I sighed and scanned the page that i probably already know by heart by now.

Pride and Prejudice.

I know I wasn't having the same trouble as her, but somehow the people surrounding her sounds familiar, i mean seriously? Marrying for wealth.

But then again, there is the fact that they were doing it for their families, but i really don't know.

The reason I was reading it was it gave me a sense that my life, though is like fantasy, the reality of living in 19th century and being in Elizabeth Bennett's shoes made my life sound like a perfect fairy tale.

I sighed again and looked outside the window, over looking the high walls that the hunters had put up after the failed attempt of saving me.

The land beyond that was beautiful and vast, something that you would have thought of seeing in the movies or even just in a dream, but it wasn't.

And you can trust the hunters to taint such beauty with blood and hell.

I stared at the setting sun and watch as the horizon on the other side was getting darker.

i took a deep breath as I slowly feel calm fill me up.

And to my surprise, a tingle ran through my heart and to the tip of my fingers. Suddenly I had the butterflies and felt myself blushing.

What the he-

Then a memory of a dream that I have constantly had since I was a child crept into mind. How it had always ended up me watching the others run off laughing to who knows where with their own partners or someone, while I stood alone in the middle of that field waiting for the darkness to come back and me waking up.

But since Eric arrived, everything had changed. He was literally in my dreams. He ran off with me to the woods and kept me safe within his arms, and no matter how dark and and, probably, scary it get, I never doubted him.

I stayed there, wrapped in his arms, waiting for the rain to stop or to wake up- which ever comes first.

I suddenly had the urge to giggle and blush some more.

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