Reason for Breathing

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Title from Baby Face

i don't know if you'd like this, but you can just see it as a filler, i'm pulling the THIS IS MY STORY AND I WANT TO PUT THIS CHAPTER UP card... so yeah, suck it up, cause i did... lol!!!

i'll try my best on the next chapter which i'm already starting now... 



Cole’s POV

Previously on Daughter of the Moon

I didn’t want to hear any of it. I needed to run away from her. From Tasha, the only girl- no, the only person I trusted.

I can hear her call for me, telling me that we weren’t supposed to separate.

To hell with it! I thought. I didn’t ask for this.

I knew what it was like to be failed by the person I trusted.

My dad failed me enough times to last me multiple lives, Tasha knows that. So how can she do this to me?

But then again, I should have expected it. She greatly believes in fate seeing that she sees the future. Who was I to question that?

But shouldn’t she understand as well that the future is evitable?

That it is an outcome of what is done at present? That if she accepts me now- if I keep my promise to myself to never be part of any pack or even give up being a shifter just for me to be able to be with her- then the future that she had supposedly saw when we first met will change drastically.

A change that I would accept with no doubt- probably would leap with her- my eyes closed and blindfolded.

I love her that much.

I can’t say that she feels the same for me though.

She sees me as her best friend. Probably like an irritating big brother.

One which I never was to my real sister.

I frowned, in memory of my sister. She was everything a big brother would want. She keeps my secrets when I was suppose to be doing my responsibilities as my dad’s…

Urgh! I wanted to pull my hair out. Can’t people in the past remain there?!

Who was I kidding? I was already a rebel at the age of seven. I must have gotten that from somewhere and even in his death he was ruining my life.

I hate him and that will never change. With that said, or come into mind, I will never be like him.

I will never let the supposed love of my life take control of me. To make her loss be the cause of pain to the people around me.

I shook my head as I stop at the edge of the cliff over looking half of a town and half of a forest.

Great, now I’m just blabbering in my  mind. I rolled my eyes- I think. I’m probably going crazy.

I needed to calm down. I don’t want to go crazy on Tasha now. Especially not when I was so near in returning Serenity.

Once she is home, then I can continue with my life before her.

A peaceful life in the circus. A life with Tasha. Whether she feels the same way for me or not, I know I will prefer a life near her.

I never wanted my life to be this complicated. Since I was a kid, I have been treated differently because the daughter of the moon was born at this age. Yes, I was a son of an alpha. I didn’t careless about the status much more a snotty little girl that time. And I still don’t, she was a thorn in my life whether I was still an alpha to be or not.

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