Reckless and Relentless Part2

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Ok, so this isn't my best chapter, and i just went with what comes to mind as i go along with the plan... i don't know, i'm just tired i guess, but i know you guys had been waiting for a chapter, and this is supposed to be the best chapter cause its "the war" but i don't think it ended up like that.. i don't know... you be the judge of it...

hope you like it either way... :s thanks...

also! Can somebody please tell me if I made a chapter that had Eric buying the ring that he gave Serentiy!??!?! I mean, I’m so sure that I have that chapter cause I spent the whole day researching and looking for an actual stone like the one that I found for Serenity… darn it!!



Relentless Chapter



I stood at the edge of the forest that over looked the house that we were about to attack in a few hours.

Siam wanted to take it a bit slow, making the drive to the area a day and a half. When we arrived, everything was prepared in the town nearest to the area of where Tasha was.

We attended every meeting and planning of the attack, everyday a news from our spies would tell us how busy the house was, with people coming in and out. Siam asked to have two people closely guarded- Frank, the head of the hunters and Yuri, the king of the Vampires.

“You really need to calm down.”

I turned around and saw Eric walked up to me.

“Hey…” I grinned and looked back at the house.

“You’ve been here for the last two hours, Siam asked me to come for me to call you.”

I shook my head, “I can’t. Not when we’re so close.”

He chuckled, “You know Serenity was wondering why you were looking for her the moment you woke up.” Eric stood beside me. “She had been going through all the dreams you visited her and well, she came to a conclusion.”

It was my turn to chuckle, “And what is this conclusion of hers?”

He gave me a look and then shook her head. “She’s right.”

I raised a brow, “What?”

“It’s better off a surprise, but I’ m guessing that she’s right.”

“God, you are made for each other.” I whined earning a laugh from him.

“Well, I don’t think that was offending at all, thank you.” He said. Then he looked at the house and his face turned serious. “You think we’ll be able to pull this off?”

I looked back with a frown, “I can’t really say. We know that the hunters have grown powerful since they abducted Serenity, and now with the vampires siding with them, we’re all blinded.”

He gave a nod but remained quiet, so I did the same, running through the plans in my mind. Then he reached for his heart and gave a hiss.

“You ok?” I asked.

He forced a smile, “Yeah, I guess Serenity is really worried.” He said. “That or she’s trying to beat me up for leaving by beating herself up.”

I frowned, “Is she in pain.”

“I don’t think so.” he said. “This is far from what she use to feel when she was in any physical pain.”

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