Double Dare For Poppy

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Uni: Hello again.

Poppy: Hi!!!! What's my dare?!

Uni: The first dare is by Unicorns_For_Life7! And she dares Poppy to announce in front of the entire kingdom that she is deeply in love with Branch. And, you can't tell him it's a dare!

Poppy: Okay! *blushes then taps her chin* Wait a minute, you're  *points at Uni* Unicorns_For_Life7! Why are you suggesting something?

Uni: Because as the author, I'm bored and want somebody to write this. Whether it be crappy writing by me. And I can if I'm referring to my username! *gives Poppy a 'duh' look*

Poppy: *frowns* Fine, let's go.

Poppy walks over the the mushroom stage and calls everyone over. They all give her questioning looks but do as she says.

Troll: Why did you call us?

Other Troll: Are you quitting?

Other Other Troll: Or getting married?

Other Other Other Troll: Or pregnant?

Poppy: *blushes* No, not yet.

Trolls: *gasps* Ohhhhhhh!

Poppy: Well, I wanted to you know that I've already got a king picked out!

Troll: What do you mean?

Poppy: I'm in love with a troll, and I know for certain he loves me back. So, I hope you all like Branch! Because I love him!!!

Something hits the floor and everyone turns and looks at a shocked Guy Diamond.

Poppy: GD! Are you alright?!

GD: Squuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell!!

Branch: *emerges from crowd, looks at GD and sighs* Guys, he's just having a panic attack. Somebody take him to the E. R.?

Two white trolls with red hair rushed to GD, lugging him along down a road to the infirmary. Branch turned to Poppy, giving her a smile.

Poppy: Did you hear what I said? *blushes and fidgets with hands*

Branch: Yup *pops the 'p', a blush overcoming his features*

Poppy: Why are you not freaking out then?

The entire kingdom looks at Branch, who responds with a shrug. Then he gave them all a smirk.

Branch: I already knew, know I'm gonna go check on GD. Love you Poppy! *walks off like nothing happened*

The Entire Kingdom: *gasps*

Smidge: Oh my gah!


Poppy: So.....what's my next dare?

Uni: The next one is by KiraBear8! She dared Poppy to be "trapped" in a room with Branch for a whopping 48 hours!

Poppy: Okay!

**I Be Lazy So I Skip Time!**

Uni: *locks door* Let's see the romance unravel!! Mwahahahahahahah- *coughs hysterically*

Poppy: Oh look, she left food, drinks, and a T.V. for us! How sweet!

Branch: *holds chin in suspicion* Hm, seems.....odd. Uni is a 'Broppy' shipper, correct?

Truth or Dare With Your Favorite Trolls... Branch & Poppy!! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ