Standing of mankind

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Standing of mankind

     I have found sanctuary in world that has been turned into Hell. I am kneeling in the vaulted space of a once beautiful church to draw my attention to the heavens. I close my eyes and listen to the quiet; I pray as I have always done since as a child, after I complete my pray, I say these words out loud.” He gives strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak, I am glad to boast about my weakness for when I am weak I am strong.”

     As I rise I grip my sword that was lying next to me. The sword, my sword is remarkable. It was made by one of Japan’s greatest swordsmith in the late 13th century. Made from an unknown arcane alloy and strengthened by holy energies. It is light enough to be gripped with one hand and sharp enough to slice through the armor of an M1 tank. Its beauty is hard to put into words; I remove it from its sheath and marvel at its silver blade and light blue aura. I read the Greek words that have been infused into the blade. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for though art with me. The handle of the sword is black inlayed with silver and blue, forming an image of a mist dragon.  My tanto is similar in almost every way; it too was made by the same swordsmith.

     I wrap my hood around my head; I can power soaring through my body. I am dressed fully in a shinobi shozoko, known as a ninja uniform. My shinobi shozoko is a dark silver color and feels as soft as the most expensive silk ever mad. It is layered with nanotechnology metals, arcane and holy energies, turning the shinobi shozoko into an exoskeleton suit, enhancing my existing strengths. My shinobi shozoko has many pockets hidden all through it, inside and out. I have small tools and weapons such as shuriken, knives, darts, and so on.     

      I place my sword across my back and my tanto into my belt. As I walk toward the exit of the church, I grab my Kusari-gama that I had leaning on the wall next to the exit. The Kusari-gama is a combination of a sickle and a long chain with a weight attached to the end of it. This is my main weapon; I use it for slashing and stabbing, it is also good for blocking and hooking opponent’s weapons. By holding the chain portion of the weapon, I can swing the sickle around to get a better reach with it. It too is made from nanotechnology metals and arcane energies, it is an ugly weapon all colored in black, but it serves it purpose. I take a deep breath and step through the exit where Demons now walk the earth.

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