Chapter 5: Siblings are so Annoying.

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Lincoln's POV

After we ran from the janitor closet, Ronnie Anne and I went to the cafeteria with Clyde and Brina to make them keep our relationship in secret, because they are the only friends that we trust so much, as we explained all the situation.

"So... That's the reason we need to keep our relationship in secret" I said, "I understand" Clyde said, "So you guys are trying us to say is that you guys want to keep your love in secret to avoid people who makes fun of you and be a couple outside the school to maintain your reputation?" Brina said, "Yeah, we are telling you this because you're the only people that Lincoln and I trusted" Ronnie Anne said, "Okay, I'll try to keep the secret if you get me....." Clyde said, as I stopped him "I can't get you something of Lori, sorry buddy" I said, "I was about to say a new comic, but also get me something of Lori" Clyde said, "I can only get you the comic, because Lori can kill me if I touch her stuff" I said, "Okay, it's a deal" Clyde said as he shaked my hand and Ronnie Anne's, as he leave the table, while we were waiting for Brina to close the deal, "Brina? We're waiting for you to close the deal" Ronnie Anne said, "I don't know actually, I mean.... lying to everyone about your secret love, that's not correct" Brina said, "Please girl, do it, it's for our reputation's sake, please, please!" Ronnie Anne said, "Okay, fine, I'll keep your secret if...." Brina said, "If you want money, we can give you money" Ronnie Anne said, as we took out our wallets, "I don't want money, I wanna........ have a date with Lincoln's friend" Brina said, "Clyde?" I said, "Yeah, he's cute and smart, and I tried to date him but I think he's interesed in another girl called Lori" Brina said, "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry for that" I said, "It's okay, but if you help me go out with Clyde, I'll keep your secret, so we have a deal?" Brina said, "Fine, we have a deal" I said, as we both shaked hands, and we leave to our class.

After school....

I arrived home and I was tired, so I lie down to the couch to watch the TV, until my sisters came in to find out about my relationship with Ronnie Anne, so I tried my best to not say anything.

"So.... You and Ronnie Anne are now a couple?" Lori said as I keep my mouth shutted down, "He doesn't want to say anything" Lynn said, "Maybe they are just friends" Leni said, "Lincoln, don't ignore us, talk now" Lori said, "Nothing is happening between Ronnie Anne and I" I said, "Come on bro, tell us" Luna said, "We are just friends and that's all" I said, "But what about the Valentine's Day date you got with her yesterday, you confessed that you want to be more than friends" Lana said, "But it wasn't a date, it was a Valentine's Day hang out" I said, "Lincoln, I know you're lying to us, just tell us if you are actually dating Ronnie Anne or I'll literally gonna destroy something that it's yours" Lori said, "Yeah, tell us, we promise that won't tell anyone else" Lola said as everyone stares at her, "What? I can really keep secrets, I'm not a tattler's tale anymore" Lola said, as everyone starts arguing, as I walk away to my room and lock the door for a while until my sister stays calm, until someone threw a object in my window, and it was a note from my girlfriend saying:

"Hey Lame-O, I heard that there's a Ace Savvy convention this weekend, wanna go there with me? xoxo -Ronnie Anne <3"

She asked me out to go to the Ace Savvy convention, but I don't know what to say to her because I got grounded in the same weekend as the convention is, and Clyde will be mad for me for not taking him with me, so I need to think in a plan now, as I create some ideas, and I call the plan: "Operation: Going to the Ace Savvy convention with my girlfriend, without my parents, sisters and Clyde finding out and I need to think in a short name for this operation", I'll plan this later, for a while, I took out my clothes, and I start to read my comics in underwear.

While outside......

Ronnie Anne's POV

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Ronnie Anne's POV

I was outside in Lincoln's house because I sent him a note to go to that comic superheroe convention he always wants to go, so I went to the door, to see him, as I knocked the door, and it was Lori again who attend me:

"Hello Lori" I said, "Hi Ronnie Anne, let me guess, you wanna see Lincoln again right?" Lori said, "What? No, what makes you think of that?" I said, "It's okay, you can come inside to see him, it's locked out in his room" Lori said, "Umm, thanks" I said as I come inside the house, while going upstairs, and I knocked Lincoln's room door.

"Lincoln, it's me, can I come in inside? We need to talk" I said, but he doesn't reply, so I knocked again harder, until he heard me, he thought it was one of his sisters, so he unlocked the door, as I enter, and I saw him in underwear, I was shocked and blushed at the same time, because I have never saw my boyfriend without clothes, as I laughed, but he was embarrased.

"RONNIE ANNE?!?!, what are you doing here?" Lincoln said blushed, "I came to see you, by the way, why are you in underwear?" I said laughing, "I was reading comics" Lincoln said, "Okay, but why you don't read your comics in normal clothes?" I said, "Because it's uncomfortable for me, you don't understand this, can you wait outside?, I'm going to put my clothes back on" Lincoln said, "Yeah, I'll be waiting here in the hallway" I said, "Thanks" Lincoln said, as he closed the door to put his clothes back on, until his sisters came in to ask me questions about my relationship, so I tried to keep my mouth shut down.

"Hey Ronnie Anne, can we ask you some questions?" Lola said, "Let me guess, you guys are gonna ask about my relationship with your brother right?" I said, "No, we weren't going to ask that" Lori said, "But we thought we were going to ask about Lincoln to Ronnie Anne" Leni said, as we were facepalming, "Look girls, I know you wanna know about me and Lincoln, but we are not a couple" I said, "So if you both are not a couple, explain the Valentine's Day date and the kiss you give him in the porch" Lana said, "That was because it's Valentine's Day, I gave him a gift of a comic because he was lonely, by the way, he's my friend" I said, "So, that means your relationship with Lincoln doesn't mean anything" Lynn said, "What? No, I didn't say that" I said, "But you think it, you told us that it doesn't mean anything" Luna said, "It doesn't mean anything because it's not mean it, haha, get it?" Luan said another joke, as were like uh, "Fine, I'll tell you, I lied, I don't like Lincoln, I pretended that I liked him just because he's a pathetic loser, and that I'm only using him to make fun of him" I said, until Lincoln got out and heard anything, as he was disappointed about me.

"What?" Lincoln said, "Lincoln, I didn't know you were there, I can explain" I said, "You lied about liking me?" Lincoln said, "No, that's not true, I liked you" I said, "Actually she said that she never liked you and she used you to only make fun of you" Lola said, "Thanks Lola, and I see who's the tattler's tale" I said angrily, "Girls, can you let me alone with Ronnie Anne for a second?" Lincoln said, "Okay, if you needs us, we'll be inside of our rooms" Lynn said as everyone leaves to their rooms, as I was alone with Lincoln, but he was mad at me.

"Look Lincoln, I...." I said, "Is it true you lied about liking me?" Lincoln said angrily, "No, I like you for reals, I told that because I don't want to expose our relationship" I said, "That's not true, I heard you talking to my sisters saying that our relationship doesn't mean anything, and you actually mean it, I can't believe you had played with my feelings all the time" Lincoln said, "I know and I'm sorry, I didn't say it on purpose" I said, "Look, I was actually having real feelings for you since you gave me the Ace Savvy comic, but if you don't want to be in a relationship with me, it's okay for me, because I'm breaking up with you" Lincoln said, as he went to his room angrily, and he locked the door, while I leave the house with tears, and his sisters heard anything, so they were feeling bad about him.

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