Chapter 9: iHeartYou Lincoln Loud! Part 2

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Ronnie Anne's POV

We were outside the garage preparing to go to the dance to expose that snake of Cristina, while I was still sad sitting in the porch thinking in Lincoln, because it was impossible taking him out of my mind, while Lana was taking things from the trash to take them as part of the plan, until she saw the Ace Savvy comic that I threw away a couple of days ago, and she show it to the other girls.

"Girls look at this, I found a Ace Savvy comic in the trash" Lana said, "That comic comes from Lincoln's room right?" Lori said, "I think, but Lincoln would never throw away one of his favorite comics to the trash, they're collectible and valuable for him" Luna said, "Yeah, but why is it in the trash?" Lynn said, "I don't know" Lori said, as we saw a note falling from the comic, and it was mine, "Look, there a paper inside the book" Leni said, as they read my note that says:

"Lincoln, I just want to say sorry for what happened that day, it was wrong having to hide our relationship, and you were right, we should had tell everyone about us in the beginning, I'm not feeling okay since the break up, and the reason I can't stop thinking in you all day, is because I still have feelings for you, you're the only one that I love so much, since the first time I saw you, I love making fun of you with sloppy joes, but it was because I was trying to get your attention, and then we started to meet each other, and we got the same interests, I gave you my phone number to call me, and we started to be good friends, but then I started to have feelings since that kiss you gave long time ago, for me it was magical, I hope you someday forgive me because without you, my life would be horrible, so I just want to say.... I love you Lame-O xx -Ronnie Anne <3"

The sisters were touched and crying for the note I put on the comic, as they came to me to explain about that note.

"Ronnie Anne, explain this" Lori said as she showed the note, "Where do you got this?" I said, "It fell from a comic that Lana found in the trash" Lori said, "It was a note I was supposed to give to Lincoln a couple of days ago" I said, "But why you didn't gave it to him?" Luna said, "Because I was angry at Lincoln that day, you guys don't understand it" I said, "We understand it, but why you didn't send it to him before he get into Cristina?" Lynn asked, "Because he lied to me, I tried to apologize to him, but he was more interest in Cristina than listening to me" I said, "Listening? Wait..... You still tried to get his attention? You mean, you still love him?" Lana said, "You said that you want to find happiness by yourself in another place" Lori said, "Maybe I'm wrong or I lied, because Lincoln is my happiness, yeah, I said it" I said as they got shocked, "I tried to forget him and move on with my life, but everytime I tried, he always appears in my head, even in my dreams, I can't get him out of my head" I said, "It could mean something" Lucy said, "What is it?" I said, "The spirits told me that Lincoln is really your lifetime soulmate" Lucy said, "That's ridiculous, the spirits doesn't feature the future" I said, "But the ones I talk they do, believe me, they once found out what Leni was thinking about" Lucy said, "And they were right, because they didn't know I like fashion" Leni said, "Maybe they are right, maybe I still like Lincoln after all, I really need to tell him" I said, "Yeah, we'll expose Cristina and then you'll tell your real feelings" Lana said, "But she can't go like this, she needs a makeover and new clothes, I'll prepare your make up" Leni said, "Prepare it on the car, we don't have time now, let's go now" Lori said as she turns on the car and she started to drive so faster to go to the dance.

While at the dance....

We arrived, as we started to hide everywhere from the gym, to prepare the operation: "Expose Cristina for Manipulating Lincoln and Playing with his Feelings, and also think of a short name for this operation into action", I see why Lincoln loves to make those crazy plans name, I love him so much, okay concetrate Ronnie Anne, we are in a mission, let's do this, as I was watching the kids dancing, while Lincoln and Cristina were talking together.

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