Chapter 14

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When Spock awoke the next morning, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Kirk was still wrapped in his arms.

Keeping still to avoid waking him, Spock gazed at the sleeping face of his Captain beside him. Kirk's hair was all askew, his breathing was deep and even, and his face was completely relaxed. Spock felt his heart flutter at his side.

Despite the amount of time they had spent together, it really was quite fascinating how Jim Kirk never failed to draw these unusual sensations from his body.

They were very strange indeed—the way his heart sped up when Kirk looked at him, how the blood seemed to rush to his face, and the way his skin tingled when it came into contact with the Captain's.

Suddenly, Kirk stirred in his sleep, shuffling slightly closer to Spock before growing still again. His shirt was now pushed up slightly, exposing a bit of skin on his stomach.

Without really intending to, Spock lifted his arm from the bed and gently touched the exposed area. He marveled at its smoothness, mesmerized by the feeling of Kirk's skin on his sensitive fingers.

Spock glanced back up and was startled to see Kirk's bright eyes staring back at him.

"Forgive me," Spock said, quickly withdrawing his arm. A greenish tinge covered his cheeks.

Kirk reached out and caught Spock's hand in midair. "It's alright," he said softly, an affectionate smile on his face.

He then shifted his fingers into a Vulcan kiss, rubbing them gently against Spock's own.

The Vulcan sighed and closed his eyes, lost in the touch. How very much he wished to lay with his Captain forever, where he did not need to guard his thoughts and mind from anyone.

But alas, the day was passing by, and they had duties to attend to.

"Jim, we must be on the bridge soon," Spock reminded him in a slightly regretful tone.

Kirk leaned forward and gently kissed Spock's face, right on his jawline.

"Yes, I know," he sighed after a moment. He gave Spock one last peck, then sat up in bed, stretching. Spock rose after him, and soon they were ready to start the day.


Later that morning, Kirk received a message on the bridge. It was from McCoy down in sickbay.

Kirk stabbed one of the buttons on his chair. "What is Bones?" he asked, wondering if something was wrong.

"Jim, I'm gonna need to see you down here in sickbay. Your quarterly physical check is long overdue," the Doctor replied.

Kirk glanced over at Spock, annoyed. His first officer simply raised an eyebrow, a slightly sympathetic gleam in his eye.

"Do we really have to do that now?" Kirk asked, always one to resist the Doctor's examinations.

"Unless you have a valid reason to remain on the bridge," McCoy responded, his tone indicating that he knew Kirk didn't.

The Captain sighed. He could just imagine the knowing smirk on McCoy's face. The morning had so far been pretty quiet, so he couldn't really think of an acceptable excuse.

"I'll be down in a minute, Bones," Kirk replied, resigning himself to his fate. He turned back to Spock.

"Seems like I don't have a choice," Kirk shrugged. "Spock, you have the bridge." He then got up from his chair and moved into the turbolift.

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