Author's Note

554 33 51

Hi everyone!!!

So I'm pretty sure I've been working on this story since like 2015 and I am so glad I finally got it finished!! I know a lot of people have been commenting over the years and I seriously love reading anything you guys have to say, even if it's about how I needed to get my act together and finish the story lol. I finally had a bunch of time off due to the corona (oops) so I just sat down one week and hashed the whole thing out. I really hope you guys enjoyed the story, especially all the TOS scenes/quotes hehe. I wanted to make it seem as close to a real TOS episode as possible which is why I used the opening/ending credits and added so many quotes and put some suggestions for songs to listen to while reading. I also just had to add one last feel-good scene on the bridge because that's how every TOS episode ends anyway lol.

So,,,,,, I just want to thank you guys for being so patient and for supporting me as I finally finish this. It really does mean the world and you guys are seriously the best.

Thanks again and I hope you all are staying healthy and safe!

Live long and prosper ✧ 🖖🏻

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