Chapter 10

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Hi, guys!

Here's my new chapter and well...I had fun writing this so I hope you guys like it too :D don't forget to vote!

Chapter 10

"Damn, woman, you're killing the man!" Ven said, watching Gabriel that hissed as I disinfected his stab wound. Gabriel didn't say a word though, taking everything silently.

"If he hadn't been fighting with a gang, he wouldn’t be suffering right now, so it is his fault. Now shut it, Ven." I retorted, sending Ven, who curled deeper in the couch, a menacing look. I took the soaked in alcohol ball of cotton and started cleaning his wound again.

When they had told me that Gabriel was a street fighter, I went into shock. My mind went blank and I sat there, completely frozen, while those words burned my brain. However, a deep part of me already knew that he wasn't just a spectator in those fights, some part of my brain brought the memories of him fighting in the school, how he had beaten those three guys up without a scratch. I guess I was just not prepared to hear those words out loud. That was why I had smacked Gabriel's hand away, went upstairs to get the first aid kit and came downstairs to start tending him. I needed a distraction and I couldn't help myself from wanting to check is wound, which I was pretty much sure hadn't been properly taken care of.

Gabriel almost didn't complain, only hissing and grunting when I needed to pour alcohol on his wound.

"Well, he didn't mess with the gang...they were the ones who lost a lot of money by betting in a guy that had no chances of winning against Gabriel. Those sore losers wanted a piece of him and went after Gabriel, when the fight was over." Ven tried to explain, still sitting far away from us. I guessed he learned to stay away after I had smacked him the first time.

"Apparently, they succeded because there's a deep gash in Gabriel's arm that should have been taken care of." I growled, making him cringe. "He should have gone to the hospital."

"No hospitals." Gabriel then said, looking down at me. He was sitting on the couch while I was kneeling in the ground. "Cops would know."

"They could have killed you." I whispered, wrapping the gauze on his arm.

"No, they wouldn’t. You should have seen how Gabriel left them. I'm sure some of them will not walk for a few months." Ven snickered. Gently, I lowered Gabriel's arm and got up. Looking at me, confused, Ven watched me approach him. "Dylan, what ar--? Damn it! Why did you do that?!" Ven shouted, as I got back to Gabriel, after giving him the hardest smack on his head.

"Do you think it is funny people fighting? Do you?" I shouted. "Both of you have no sense of humanity! You could have killed them and they could have killed you, however, you're talking about it like it was nothing." I couldn't believe that they could hurt someone like that without feeling remorse, not having any emotion when seeing someone on the floor, bleeding, with broken bones. I just could not accept that.

"What was I supposed to do, then? Let them kill me?" Gabriel asked, his voice hard and cold.

"No, you should have walked away and found help, not fight them by yourself."

Gabriel surprised me by laughing, a dark, acidic laughter, who sent shivers down my spine. He then leaned his face towards mine, beeing so close that his nose was slightly touching mine.

"If I had ran away, they would call me a coward and would just keep coming for me. That way, I sent a message, they can't mess with me. You don't understand my world, Dylan, but I learned how to play by their rules and I'm damn good at it." He said, in a dark voice. It had been the longest sentence he had ever spoke to me.

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