Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Looking one more time at the mirror, I checked out my black skinny jeans, white shirt and red cardigan, before running to the kitchen to have breakfast. I was a little late so I was in a rush. As I closed my bedroom's door and ran downstairs,tripping a few times along the way, I had to restrain myself from screaming.

Watching intently the big sleeping figure on my couch, all the memories of the night before came crushing down on me. Street fighting, Gabriel coming to my house, me tending him and, lastly, the kiss... That single thought made me blush like a mad woman. Gabriel was still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. Walking quietly, I passed the couch, taking a quick peek at his shirtless body, my eyes lingering on his exotic tattoos and well defined muscles, before entering the kitchen. My thoughts were wild as images of Gabriel’s muscular torso poluted my mind, making me blush again. I had been doing that na awfu lot since last night, more than I had in years!

As quietly as I could and ignoring my crazy thoughts, I prepared him some eggs, bacon and some toast, and left them on the kitchen with a note on the side for him. Looking one more time at him, I smiled sadly - I hated to see him hurt - and went to Ven's parents' car, which was waiting for me on the driveway.

"Good morning. How are you?" Ven asked, his humor not as cheerful as normal was.

"Morning. I'm fine and you?"

"Worried but fine. How is Gabriel?" He asked, seriously.

"He’s good, a little sore and bruised, but I think the pain subsided. He is fine, Vem." I answered, pretending to look for something in my bag so Ven couldn't see me blush. The memory of the kiss was flashing in my mind over and over again. It was making my cheeks heat up again and making me really nervous.

"Do you think he will be alright, alone in your house?"

"I think so, I left him breakfast and some painkillers." I answered. "If he rest today he will be as good as new." I assured Ven, who still looked a little more stiff than usual.

"I hope so."

The rest of the drive was silent but not uncomfortable. Both our thoughts were with the sleeping man in the couch, worrying about him, wishing he would recover quickly. Well, I knew he was fine, Gabriel was tough, but if he continued to fight like that... no one would know what could happened. He had to stop, we had to stop him. It was obvious he would continue until he could not get up and nothing hurted me more than seeing him destroying himself. For what? I didn't know but I intended to find out and put a stop to that madness.

We arrived shcool 10 minutes later. As we got out of the car, Jodie and Taylor came to me, laughing and smiling as they pulled me with them to class. Ven said goodbye to me and went with some other guys to class as well. My classes passed really slowly, the minutes were like hours, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. As soon as the clock showed we had only 5 minutes left, I started fidgeting with my pencil, tapping it on my notebook. Some students looked at me, annoyed with the noise, but that didn't stop me, as I continued to furiously tap on the book. Finally, the bell rang.

Quickly, I grabbed my things and sprinted out of class, not even waiting for my friends. They called me but I just kept running.

The days were getting colder, as November was approaching, so the students all lunched in the big stuffy cafeteria. And that included us too. As I passed the many students rushing to the lunch line, I found Ven sitting at the farthest and secluded table, one in the corner, which was the most quiet and calm area. Breathing heavily, I collapsed on a chair, with my back to the other students. Ven was typing on his phone as I sat, looking then at me and giving me a small smile.

To Love a FighterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora