Act One | The Expedition | P. 4

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Act One
Part Four
October 11th

The numbers had multiplied, many titans of different kinds. It had seemed as if the titans you would usually face were more evolved. The titans Closer to wall Maria were more intelligent and dangerous. Some crawled on all fours, others attempted to throw things, some just sat there, staring endlessly at you, their expressions never changing. The one from earlier had not moved from its spot, it stood there staring and staring; it gave you chills. As you tried to ignore it, you realized the other squad groups were finally at your end of the wall. You saw Levi and you smiled a bit. He approached you, and smiled faintly; you could tell something was bothering him.

"They're everywhere." You murmur, a bit afraid. Levi said nothing for a minute or so until a titan from the base of the wall let out another loud screech.

"We're going to have to start immediately, go inform the other squad leaders that we're meeting up.." Levi orders.

You nod, walking over to Hanji and Atylia, telling them of the situation. After a bit of time, all scouts were lined up, ready to be given further instructions.

"It's already been a long journey to the wall, and I'm relived that we haven't lost heaves of people. But, our expedition is not over yet. To correctly and efficiently reclaim wall Maria, we have to do what we've done before, clog the hole. Erin, a soldier in the Survey Corps, will be assisting us. Our jobs will be to distract the titans from the wall and possibly kill them. Above all else, our job is to stay alive. My squad, us and Hanji's squad will be in charge of leading the titans from the destroyed wall. Atylia's squad will go with Erin and assist him in fixing the wall's damages. Everybody, meet with your squad leaders and we will head out in the reclaiming of wall Maria!" She soldiers cheer, excited and ready to finally reclaim the wall that was lost many years ago.

As everyone disperses to their assigned squad leader, you turn to Levi, watching as he stares off the wall towards the destroyed city. His eyes, a boring look that doesn't seem to change. But as he turns and looks at you, his eyes light up just a bit, "____, be safe..okay?" He murmurs.

You nod at him, smiling, "Same for you, old man.."

The two of you walk towards your group, seeing them already in formation, "Don't be reckless, we don't want anyone dying during this expedition. Stay together and concentrate, we will all get out of this alive!" You shout, the squad nodding and looking as ready as they'd ever been. As you get in position, the other squad leaders look your way, nodding. Levi turns, and with a long and heavy sigh, he signals everyone to leap off the wall and start the operation.

The first group follows the lead of you and Levi, maneuvering across the city and distracting the titans who were dumb enough to look away. Without having to look, you knew Eren had transformed, a loud rumble tore through the air, following the screeching of a familiar titan. As Titans follow your squad from all directions, the sudden feeling in your stomach begins to grow. The nervousness takes over your body as you shake uncontrollably.

Suddenly, just as Levi slides his blade through the nape of a titan, the ground begins to rumble. In only a second, the worn concrete explodes, a titan jumping from the underground tunnel and biting down onto multiple soldiers following you. The horror in your eyes doesn't fade, and soon, your whole body begins dripping with the blood of your comrades. With one last look, in midair, the ground titan, with its grueling, malicious eyes, stares at you like no other. As the bodies hang from its mouth, the titan falls back into its hole, consuming the people it caught and making sounds as if it were laughing. You hear bones snap and blood hit the ground, the titan immediately dashing into the ground like it has lived there for years. Its speed seems so unusual, never have you seen a titan that hunted from the ground; they were evolving, quickly and silently.

As the titan crawls back into its hole, Levi stares back at you, a look of pure horror painted in his eyes; his look makes you feel even more uneasy, never seeing much of that expression before.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He screams, Levi's maneuvering soon becoming sloppy due to his unnatural panic. The squad behind you screaming bloody murder and losing their control. Even from across the city with their sad attempts to keep their composure, Atylia and her squad lose focus over the sudden massacre of their partners.

With rage, Eren grabs what seems to be one of the largest boulders in the wall, and picks it up, his struggle and frustrations being transferred into strength. The constant growling coming from causes a gas, which seems like smoke, to emerge from his skin. Although the formations begin to lose control over their composure, Eren pushes through, shoving past the smallest titans to get to his destination. Titans begin to fly from all directions, being killed, or even kicked, all in order to plug the wall. Step by step, Eren approaches the destroyed wall. As you and your remaining squad try your best to eliminate the threatening titans, you look over, realizing the one titan from the wall is still staring at you. Its mouth soon smiling, again, in a grim way; your heart dropped.

With a loud screech, Eren thrusts the boulder into the hole of Wall Maria. With all the adrenaline, he thrashes down the ruined streets of Wall Maria, killing titans threatening him and his comrades. The weight slightly lifts off your shoulders until you realize the titan from before isn't where it normally is. You look all around you, terrified for the lives of all around you.

Groaning from outside the wall suddenly becomes louder, the ground shaking and everyones hearts dropping. With one loud explosion, Wall Maria's gate falls to the ground, the boulder just placed soon becoming nothing but sand sized rocks. Hundreds, even thousands of titans rush through the wall, grabbing people by their legs, ripping their limbs from their bodies and wiping the Corps population faster than you can process.

No words; just the sound of screaming and crying is all you hear, everyone around being consumed violently due to the amount of titans swarmed nearby.

Tears well in your eyes as you begin to realize what is happening. Two, beautifully smart soldiers lay by each other, decapitated and in pieces but still noticeable; Armin and Connie. You fall to your knees, crimson liquid falls from titan's mouths as if it began to rain blood. Innocent citizens, swallowed whole, and fellow family devoured in pieces. The bloodshed doesn't stop; although, you never stay conscious long enough to see all that happens.

The bloody cries of Eren echoes in your mind as the shouting of Alexandre rings in your ears.

"I don't know what to do..." you murmur.

A sudden heat surrounds your body, you look up to see the single titan, its saliva dripping, consisting of blood from all who surrounds you. Its smile never disappearing. Soon, you feel it's hands you firmly and harshly, picking you up.


Forgive me my children, for I have disappointed you...@ToxikBuni for dedication

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