3. | drawn towards him

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Sighing, I follow Reed into the canteen and try not to flinch at the amount of guards that are in there

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Sighing, I follow Reed into the canteen and try not to flinch at the amount of guards that are in there. Being the new person and this being my first day, I really feel like the center of attention. If there's one thing that cringes me to the bone, it's that. I genuinely hate it.

I grab my bag and ask Reed if he can tell me where the room that I may use is. He insists on guiding me till I get there, but I tell him twice that I can find it on my own with his instruction beforehand and quickly leave after he trusts me with his keycard. It's actually near the entrance, not anywhere near the main halls, so I get there with a few turns and within a few minutes.

Unlocking it, I step inside the room that I will use for my daily conversations and let my eyes wander around it. The room is exactly how I expected it to be. It's dark because there's only a single window to let daylight in. The walls are painted in a dark shade of grey and there is one table with two chairs on each side in the center of the room. There is a light on the table, just like in crime movies. This is basically an interrogation room that they've assigned to me and it desperately needs a make-over to look like a normal therapists office. I can't even imagine myself having deep conversations in here.

Unlike what most people assume, having a deep conversation isn't about endlessly talking. It's about sharing your experiences, feelings and just thoughts in general. It's about connecting with fellow human beings through understanding each other and mutual appreciation. An encouraging environment, a safe space, is absolutely essential.

Before letting my mind drown in all sorts of ideas and inspiration for this room's make-over, I try to figure out the other thing that's been on my mind for the past couple of minutes. Something I can't seem to suppress.

That one inmate.

He was silent, so distanced yet so intimidating. The mystery behind his gaze drawing me in. I may have left behind his cell quite a while ago, but it feels as if he's got me captured. It terrifies me what that one moment was able to make me feel. It feels wrong and I'm pretty sure it is, but I felt so naturally drawn towards him.

Our eyes only met for mere seconds but it felt like I was locked into that one gaze. It was foreign. I've unknowingly locked eyes with strangers many times, but this time it was different. Not only because it was from behind bars with an inmate, but I also can't remember ever feeling stuck in that one moment. I've never found myself overthinking about someone, let alone that one moment.

Yet this time, here I am. Unable to put it out of my mind.

I have so many questions. Who was that guy? Why did I feel a connection right away? I can't help myself but think he felt the same way because he didn't look away either, nor did he try to break the eye contact.

He looked familiar somehow, though I'm pretty sure I've never met him before. But those eyes, the dark green shade of them. The way they did not lighten up, not even with the golden hour sun shining right into them. They're clearly hiding a story and so much sorrow. I felt it right then and there with just a single glance. No words were needed.

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