(7) Loosen Up a bit!

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The girls and I are now currently in my room and while the guys are at Ryder's house since we are neighbors. I got out freshly from the shower and saw my room a MESS! Clothes scattered, shoes are on different side of my room.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled and got their attention.

"Looking clothes for you duh!" Fiona responded and the girls nodded.

"Already know what im wearing tonight!" I responded to Fiona's answer. I went to my closet and change into that ⬆️ and i walk back into my room seeing all the girls are dressed and already has make up on their faces.

"Sit!" Fiona commanded. I immadiately sat down at my make up table, then Fiona started her magic after that i looked at my self I had a red nude lipstick with long fakelashes and a smokey red eye shadow.

"Girl! I looked hot!" I said to myself and the girls agreed with me.

"Ryder will totally drool all over you!" Maddie spoke I rolled my eyes.

"Hes not but now we are ready to show our bad ass party tonight!" We walked down stairs seeing the boys sitting on the couch watching t.v, they felt our presence and turned off the tv and looked at us.

"You girls looked smokin' hot!" Jordan spoke roaming his eyes all over Allyson's body.

"Eyes up here perve!" Allyson gestured her fingers to her eyes and Jordan blushed.

"Did Mr. Neilson just blush?" Jax asked

"No! Its just hot in here!" He answered smoothly

"Yeah Right!" Jacob said sarcastically. Until we heard a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting someone? Or mom and dad just came home early?" I asked Jax. He stood up and open the and saw Kaden Lucas one of their friends.

"Hey kaden!" I greeted as he walked inside then I looked at Chloe who is blushing hard that she totally looks like a tomato. "Guys new plan!" I spoke and got their attention.

"Me and Allyson are gonna choose whos gonna ride with us" I looked at Allyson and she already knew what I was thinking. "Mine! Maddie,Jax,jacob,becca, Blaze and Ryder.!" I answered

"That leaves me too, Kaden,Chloe,Fiona, Zach and Jordan" she replied.

"What are we waiting for? Lets go party!" Fiona spoke up and walked out of the door. I looked at Zach and smirked.

"Just wait you'll remember this moment when she said Yes! To you" He smiled and went separate cars.


Ryder's POV

We reached Dylan Monroe's Mansion and dang its packed, you could hear the blasting music around the town. We reached the gate and Alexa rolled up the window window then spoke to the intercom.

"Alexa Colton with Allyson Archer!" She spoke the gates opened and got inside. You could see red cups around their yard, some people already letting their guts out and many couples making out.

We got out of the car and saw a guy naked running around screaming 'Justin Bieber is my daddy and I got pregnant cause he I screamed to hard!' We burst out laughing and without a warning to Alexa I put my arms on her waist.

"What!?" She looked at me confuse

"I dont wanna lost you tonight!" I said sternly, and she rolled my eyes in defeat cause she know I won't accept a No for an answer.

"But don't forget the bet!" Alexa whispered in my ear, I nodded.

"Lets go!" Fiona yelled leading the way to the house, we all laughed at her immaturity. And Alexa looked at her phone

"Its already 9:30 and remember the bet? We'll do that at 11pm!" She spoke and the guys nodded. We reached the porch and knocked

"Hey hey!" Dylan greeted "And hello to you Ms.Colton" He said grabbing Alexa's hand but I grabbed it first.

"Can we come in?" Fiona asked boredly, he nodded and moved aside. We went inside and I felt lexa tense up.

"Whats wrong?" I whispered to her ear since the music is too loud, she bit her lip nervously and looked at me breathing heavily. "Babe? Whats wrong!"

"He's here,He's really here. He gonna hurt me Ryder!" As she put her head on my chest. My grip on her waist tighten and she started sobbing, I pull her away and cupped my palm on her cheek and wipe her tears.

"Who's here?" She looked at the middle on the dance floor and I looked at that direction seeing a guy looking at her aswell. I dragged her to the kitchen where the music isn't too loud.

"Who's that guy?" I asked her and she started shaking in fear.

"H..Hes my Ex-boyfriend and he used to abuse me when we are together" she stuttered, I could tell that she is so afraid of him. I felt anger rose up in my body and clenched my fist, until I looked at Alexa that is now looking at my fist turning white. She put her hand in my fist and I calmed down and looked at her puffy eyes.

"Can you smile for me?" I ask out of blue, I smiled and he smiled back.

"Lets dance?" She asked

"I don't dance princess" i replied

"O'cmon loosen up a bit before yah know?" She winks I rolled my eyes and she dragged me to the dance floor. "Go with the music" she yelled, I smiled and we started dancing.

After an hour or two of dancing Alexa dragged me to the kitchen and saw our friends waiting leaning on the counter.

"Its time!" Blaze spoke holding 2 bottles of Vodka

"Good luck Ryder! Im sure you're ready to lose to this girl!" Maddie said giving me a cup and handing Alexa her cup.

"Just give me the damn bottle!" She said. Blaze hand her the bottle and she took it and drank it in one chug. How could she do that?

"Ahh! I could feel the burning sensation to my throat!" She said handing Blaze the empty bottle. And she looked at me "Drink it!" She said. I grabbed the other bottle on Blaze hand and chug it in.

"As what Princess said feeling of the burning sensation through my throat."

"See i told you to loosen up!" Alexa nudged my arms, I rolled my eyes "Get ready thats just the beggining"

"Yup! Its just the beggining"

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