(29) If I win make out with me

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I hopped out the car and throw the keys at Blake and ran to my room.

"What the actual fuck!!!!" I yelled getting their attention. I looked around my room seeing its trashed. My blood boiled in anger "Out my room! Now!" I yelled, they rolled their eyes and continue what they are doing trashing my room.

"Alex what would you like this or this?" Allyson showed me two kinds of swim wear. I clench my fist.

"Get the fuck out of my room or i'll make you!" I growled yes growled. They looked at me shock "Want me to repeat it again!" I snapped and they all walked out of my room and I slammed it shut and saw a crack is forming on my door.

If I'm animated you could see steam coming out from my ears and nose.

I look around. Clothes, shoes everywhere I shove my clothes out of my bed and layed down and screamed.

"Princess? Whats wrong?"

"Nothing!" I snapped. And I know Blake he won't take nothing for an answer, he barged in and walk up to me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked concerned.

"You might think I'm over reacting but look at my room. Its trashed! My closet its fucking messy I just fixed it yesterday before the game! And sorry for snapping at you I'm just really ughhh!" He pull me to his chest and hugged me which I hug back and calmed down.

"How bout this lets go to the beach and help you tomorrow clean this all up?" He suggested, I sigh in defeat cause you know if pretty good idea.

"Fine!" I gave in and he smiled then he stood up walking to my window. "Where you going?" I asked him.

"To my room to change but see yah later love you!" And before I could say anything he jumped on his window. I stood up and walked to my trashed closet and took out my swim suit.

Few minutes the girls came to my room and like nothing happened. I walked out to my closet and they all looked at me but I ignored them I grabbed my phone and towel then walked out then downstairs. The boys are all wearing board shorts with white tee, they saw me and nod.

"Ready?" Jax asked

"Tell Ryder that meet me at the beach or text me something alright?" I told the boys and walked out. I went to the garage and walk to my white jeep, I hopped in and throw my towel in the passenger and drove off.

I didn't mind bringing extra clothes cause all of my cars has extra clothes in it, always be ready. I reached the beach, parked my car then I hopped out. I remove my flipflops and hold them with my phone and walk to the sand.

Sometimes it really felt so good to be alone.

Blake's POV

I walk inside Alexa's house like I own the place but I don't care. The girls is walking down the stairs and the boys sitting on the couch watching a game.

"Hey! Where Alex?" I asked them. The girls shrugged and the boys looked at eachother.

"She said Tell Ryder to meet me at the beach or text me something" Jacob spoke. I nodded

"Thanks see yah!" I walked out the house and to my car and drove to the beach. Once I reach to the beach, I texted my princess.


Me: Princess where are you?

Alexa: Walking around but I'm near at the beach bar

Me: Alright see yah love you😘

Alexa: Okay love you too💋

I hopped out my car and walk to the bar seeing Alexa sitting in the sand with a drink in hand. I kneed down and hugged her from behind, she jumped a little and realize its me. I kissed her temple and she sigh.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey" Okay she not in the mood.

"Wanna do something fun to get away from your problems right now?" I asked.

"What have you planned?"

"Surfing? Kayaking? Jetski?" I suggested.

"Surfing and jetski" She said I smiled and stood up, I held out my hand so she could grabbed it. She stood up and we walked to the surf store.

"Hello! I'm Migs what kind of surf board would you like?" She looked around and walk up to a board that is black with pink flowers all over it, and I picked simple board which is Yellow with flowers below it. We told him and I payed for it which gave us 5 minutes of arguing and I won.

"Do you know how to surf?" I asked her, she nodded and I followed her to the water.

"Waves up ahead get ready!" She said and we swam to the big waves. And we surf.

"So Jetski?" I spoke she nodded and stand her board by the side and we rented the jetski.

"Let make a bet!" She smirked.

"If I win make out with me in school and if you win you can do whatever you want with me?" She nodded and held out her hand, I shook it and hopped on the jetski.



1 "Sike!" She laughed and drove off, I shook my head and drove off to catch up with her. After few laps and I'm on the lead I need to win this. She pace up her speed and bam!

"I won!" She laughed "But of course as being a good girlfriend i'll make it fair"

"So like you'll make out with me and do whatever you want with me?"  She nodded, I clasped my hands and grin.

"Okay you're creeping me out! This is not good!" She said backing away and me stepping forward. "Oh hell nah!" She yelled started running with me chasing her.

"Sorry princess I have speed!" She looked behind and smirked.

"You only have speed but I have freakin thunder!" She yelled and ran like thunder. She stopped at the other side of the beach.

I reached her and she's laughing her lungs out and me panting.

"How could you run like that?" I asked between breathes.

"Sweetie! I'm full of suprises!" She peck my lips and ran back where our surf boards is. I sigh

Chasing her is hard but now its easy cause I have her.

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