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Aubins POV. 

Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... They bend down and give me a big hug. "I'm so sorry honey," my mom whispers. "Don't worry he'll be okay. They can him, and when they do, you guys can get to know each other and be great mates," my dad says in a soothing voice. I watch as my mate is taken away in the ambulance. I quickly remember I'm still in my wolf form and take off running to the hospital.


I run alongside the ambulance in my wolf form. As we make it to the hospital, they unload the stretcher that now has my severely injured mate and rush into the hospital.. I try to walk into the room in which my mate was rolled into but I'm stopped by a young looking nurse with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. "I'm sorry alpha he is being taken into surgery, and I'm afraid we cant let you in there." 

I growl at the thought of leaving my mate alone during surgery. "Fine." I mumble and walk into the waiting room and sit down on the hard uncomfortable plastic chairs.

Skip to twelve hours later...

12 hours. It's been 12 hours and their still not done! I calm myself down by remembering that he was in REALLY bad conditions before and it will take time. "Ugh!" I yell impatiently. "Nurse!" I yell for the 6th time today. The same nurse from 12 HOUR'S AGO shows up. "Alpha I was just about to come and get you." She starts to say. "How bad are his injuries?" I ask with my alpha tone and interrupt her.

She looks around nervously and gulps. I can already tell somethings not right. "Alpha please stay calm as I tell you th-" I cut her off impatiently. I don't have time for this. I need to see my mate. "Just tell me the ding dang injuries!" I yell louder than before. "Yes alpha, he has 5 broken ribs, all of his arms and legs are broken and bruised, his left lung was punctured but we fixed it up, he has a medium gash on his head, a black eye, lots of scars, and his right hip is broken." She lists. By the time she finishes i'm left speechless and broken. I suddenly feel overwhelmed and defeated. Tears start to run down my cheeks as I crumble on the floor and break into sobs.

She gets down into the floor next to me and hugs me. "C-can I see him?" She nods slowly and helps me off the floor. I follow her down the hall; the smell of mint and pine trees gets stronger as we get closer to a room. We stop in front of a door with the words 'Do Not Disturb'. She takes a deep breath and opens the door slowly and quietly. But little did I know I was never prepared for what I see next....

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