His Battle Not Mine

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Darius' POV.

Previously on "His Alpha Her Omega"... 


"Come here you dirty mutt!" John yells as he grabs me by my wrists and breaks them making me scream in pain. "W-what did I e-ever do to yo-u?" I ask in a shaky voice. Wrong move. John looks at me with fire in his eyes. He grabs a whip and grins evilly. "Oh, we want to know why I don't like you do we?" He asks as he strikes me with the whip. "You're so pathetic." He says as he whips me once. "You're weak. A coward." John says as he whips me three times. "But hey, I'm not the only one who thought this. So lets just say, I'm doing everyone a favor." He says as he proceeds to choke me with the whip to the point where I pass out.

End of flashback.


I look and see that John is walking towards me. I pull my lips back into a snarl and tuck my tail between my legs again. "Calm down. I'm just going to check your wounds." He says and crouches down next to me. I use this opportunity and bite down into his shoulder. He pulls back and shifts into his wolf form. 

He is a dark brown wolf almost twice my size. I stand up and growl loudly. "You filthy mutt. What do you think you're doing?" John says in the mind link. "I don't know what you want with me but you are going to stay away from Aubin." I snarl out. Then John says something that makes me snap. "Make me." I lunge at him and attempt to bite his neck but only manage to do minimal damage to his shoulder. John growls and tears off my wheels making my legs fall to the ground.

Aubins POV.

I watch in horror as Darius and the doctor attack each other. "You have to help him!" Siran yells. "No." I say firmly. "What?!" Siran growls out in horror. "I'm sick and tired of him making up lies and not telling me anything. It's his battle. Not mine." I say and block contact with my wolf.

Darius locks his jaws on the wolfs neck and digs his claws into the doctors side. "Dr. Sims" starts making sudden yet powerful movements in order to shake off Darius' grip. Then all of a sudden before any of us realize what happened there is a loud crack and the wolf drops dead. 

"Y-you killed h-him." I whisper as blood flows out of the doctors mouth and neck. Suddenly Darius shifts into his human form and falls to the ground. "No, it's not like that." Darius says as tears fall from his eyes. "Let me explain. Please, Aubin." He cries out. I walk in front of him and cross my arms. "Please do explain. Explain why you just killed and innocent man." I say coldly. "He's not innocent!" Darius yells. 

I scowl at him. "Why?" I ask no longer containing my anger. "I ca-" Darius starts to say before I interrupt him. "Why can't you tell me!?" I yell making Darius look down. "That's what I thought." I say cruelly. Darius looks up at me. He looks so helpless and fragile. "Please." He whispers as more tears fall. I'm done with him. I can't do this anymore. I raise my right hand and look at him. "I Aubin Feng reject Darius Jackson as my mate." 

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