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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... Aubin places me gently on the bed and sits on her chair. I let out a tiny whimper and crawl off the bed and onto her lap. I cuddle with her and leave my bad leg down so I won't hurt it more. She smiles softly and strokes my fur. I purr slightly and closet eyes and fall asleep.  

I let out a soft sigh glad that he's finally calm and asleep. Why was he running? Whats wrong with him? Is he okay? Ugh this is all so confusing. I look down at Darius. His breathing is even and he makes a few noises. He's so cute. I smile at Darius. I decide to go to sleep too. I lean back in the chair, close my eyes and welcome the incoming darkness.

15 minutes later..........

I wake up to loud whines and whimpers. My mind immediately goes to Darius. My eyes shoot open and look at Darius. He's squirming and whimpering. He has tears streaming down his face. I now notice he's asleep. He looks so broken and vulnerable. "Darius." I say while shaking him a little but it has no effect on him. "Darius." I say louder and shake him harder but nothing. I start to panic and call the doctors.

Darius' POV.

Slash! The sound of the whip and my screams echo off the walls of the cell. I fall to my knees crying. "You ugly piece of trash your no alpha and you never will be!" He yells as he hits me harder until I start coughing up tons of blood. He then drops the whip and kicks me in stomach breaking my ribs. He would tell the pack doctor to give me unnecessary stitches. He looks at the stitch on my right arm. He gives me a twisted and sickly smirk. He grabs my arm and yanks the stitches out. I scream in pain. "Darius!" "Darius!"

My eyes shoot open and I whimper. I look up and see a very scared and worried looking Aubin with two doctors "Darius!" She yells and hugs me tightly. I let out a whimper letting her know she's hurting me she lets go a bit but not completely. That's when I notice she's crying. "Why are you crying Aubin? Whats wrong?" I ask in the mind link.

She looks nervous. She looks at the doctors then back at me. "Darius, we've been trying to wake you up for almost an hour now we kept yelling your name and shaking you but it didn't work. We-we thought you would never wake up." She says softly in a heart breaking voice. I whimper and cuddle into her chest letting my bad leg just dangling down so I wont hurt it.

She gives me a small smile. And places a gentle kiss on my snout. I cuddle into her chest more. She nods to the doctors as an okay to leave. "Aubin, who's taking care of the pack if you've been with me?" I ask curiously "The beta and the third in command." She says with a smile. She sits down and places me in her lap.

Ugh this neck brace is getting on my nerves. I put my head down on her lap. "Going to sleep so soon? But you just woke up that's not fair to your mate now is it?" They say in the mind link. My head jolts up I start to panic. I look around and see nothing the blinds on the window are closed and there are no cameras. I start hyperventilating and fall off of Aubins lap.

I'm about to run out the door then I see its closed. I scram under the bed. "Hey buddy you cant escape us. We know your under the bed mutt." they yell into the mind link. I start barking. Aubin crouches down to see me under the bed. Then the doctor opens the door trying to see what's going on. I then take the opportunity and run out the door.

I drag my bad leg behind me while I race through the hallways. I hear footsteps as I look back I see Aubin and 6 doctors. The two doctors from earlier start gaining on me. I look forward and see a wall I sharply turn right hitting my side against the wall and letting out a whimper. "Darius stop!" I hear Aubin yelling.

I ignore her and try running faster. I let out numerous loud whimpers as I run. My lungs are burning and my bad leg hurts badly.  I see the doors to the exit. I howl with sadness at the thought of leaving my mate. I push the doors and exit. I look back and see that all of the doctors and Aubin have shifted. I run towards the forest but stop and turn to look at everyone.

"Aubin please! I cant let them hurt you!" I yell desperate. " They wont hurt me please stop!" She yells even more desperate. I whimper in defeat. Just as I'm about to walk back to them a large wolf comes rushing out from the forest and throws me into a tree with lots of force. I fall to the ground as the tree breaks and falls on top of me. I let out a loud whimper. Crack!  My vision starts to go blurry. The last thing I see is Aubin ripping the wolf to shreds. Before the darkness takes over.

His Alpha Her Omega (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora