Chapter Eleven

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A few days had passed by quickly. It was now Thursday morning and I hadn't seen Marcus since Monday. Aparently he was called away for an overseas meeting.

Marie helped me familiarize the system and duties needed to be done on a daily basis. I was starting to have everything down pat, I will be more than prepared for any situation Marcus puts me in.

I called over my shoulder to Marie, who was engrossed in her own duties, "Does Marcus go away often?"

Marie had put her work aside and almost had a sad expression, "He doesn't have a whole lot of time to himself, I have watched that boy inundate himself with work" she sighed before adding, "which is why his father has apointed an assistant to help out with the workload".

"We all know how unsuccessful that has been up until now" she spoke with sarcasm. "Im surprised actually, that he had left you with me during your first week, you must have made quite the impression on Monday". She grinned.

"I'm not sure I impressed him, he did look rather angry at me before he left to his meeting on Monday -- apart from my mistake of intruding on his personal time, in which he apologised, I'm not sure what I have done wrong?" I questioned almost to myself.

"I had heard about his visit from the witch.. Claire, what I didn't know was that he had apologised -- Mr McNelly rarely gives out apologies. You have made a great impression for yourself dear and I'm sure he isn't angry with you at all".

It made me feel special. Their was really no need for Marcus to apologise the other day. What he does is none of my business. I am his employee, I work for him. He was probably trying to make emmands from our first encounter and interview. Yep, that's got to be it.

I finished up my filing and Marie had sent me to lunch. I was surprised to find Sarah in the cafeteria.

I squealed out in delight. I hadn't seen her at work or since our night out. "SARAH!" I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed for my life. I owe this girl a million.

"Hey Ky, I've missed you too. I'll have you know I can't breathe though". She managed to squeak out.

"Sorry" I quickly apologised. I placed my arms by my side and beckoned for Sar to sit.

"How has your week been? Has Marcus been treating you right? You're not ready to throw your job in just yet?" She fired question after question.

I let Sarah take a breath before answering, "My week has been good Sar, Marcus hasn't been here since Monday and no I'm not ready to throw my job in, I actually enjoy it".

"Wow Ky, I'm impressed. Regardless of whether he has been here or not, you are his longest employed assistant!" She spoke excitedly. "This calls for a celebration night!".

My best friend was all for celebrations. I'm sure it will be another one of her wild nights on the booze.

As if reading my mind, she quickly added, "I'll pick you up Friday 6pm. I promise it won't be another night out, I'm sure your parents wouldn't approve of my influence", she grinned. "I'll grab a few movies and snacks and we will have a girl's night in".

It was good having female company. The last two years were spent with Jacob and his minions, who didn't dare speak a word to or bat an eye in my direction. I was to have no contact with the men, vice versa, as requested by Jacob. He was uncomfortable having women around, incase we decided to have a yarn and sook about the men. The typical female, as he would quote.

Jacob was an extremely jealous man, with trust issues. I wasn't allowed out of sight, with a guard on duty at all times. If I needed amenities, a guard would have to retrieve them from the shops. He could be gone for days at a time, leaving just enough money to put snacks on the table.

Life was a struggle, I was held a prisoner by my own boyfriend, who barely had the time or effort to look after me.

It wasn't like this at first. It all began with romantic dinners and presents, we seen each other almost every day into the lead up of moving towns and in together.

Though within months, Jacob was caught up in the wrong crowd. Alcohol, drugs and gang affiliation stole the man I once cherished. Because I had wanted my first time to be special, he got tired of waiting around and started bedding any woman possible. This was his way of trying to make me jealous. It didn't work because I had lost feelings a very long time ago.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Sarah started waving her hands infront of my face, "Hello, Ky, Hello?"

I blinked twice before agreeing with her celebration night. Just what I need to keep my thoughts at bay.

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