Chapter Five

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"Sarah, you still haven't explained to me as to where the hell we are going?" I questioned suspiciously, whilst tugging at the hem of my dress.

"Weeelll... you look extremely hot in that tight, black cocktail dress and stilettos, I look hot in this small pink piece and its almost 9 o'clock. So I've changed my mind, ditched dinner and we are going out for celebration drinks!" she replied instantly.

What if he sees me out? I won't be able to escape a second time.

As if sensing my stress, Sar quickly added, "It's a club for the elite only. I have VIP entry included in my salary package." She smirked. "Their won't be any slobs and when you feel like leaving, I promise we will go".

I couldn't let Sar down again, so I agreed to tag along.

Soon enough and as promised, we arrived at Club 9. Two large stages surrounded the area on opposite sides, half naked girls twirled poles on one side, whilst a dj had taken stage at the other. Strobe lights were flashing, the music was blasting.

My heart was pumping as I scoped the area, afraid that Jacob or one of his minions would be present.

"Is everything ok Ky?"

I snapped my head towards her and plastered on a fake smile. "Ye-yes, everythings fine, I haven't been clubbing before -- this is new to me".

In all honesty, I was freaking out. Jacob would kill me if he found out I had been clubbing. I was banned from stepping a foot out of the house, let alone in a club.

"Follow me, don't get lost!" she yelled over the music as we slid our way through the crowd.

We made our way upstairs, to what I assume would be the VIP section. Sarah sat in a booth and beckoned me over. I sat down on the plush seats, thankful to rest my already aching feet. I can't understand how people can wear heels for long periods of time. I'd barely had them on for an hour and my feet were ready to drop off.

I took a glance over the railing and realised that we had a wide view of the dance floor and stages below and I was thankful that it wasn't as crowded or fast paced in comparison to what we had just walked through.

I was brought back from my thoughts as a waitress approached and took our drink orders.

"A few drinks will kill the nerves." She grinned with excitement.

What have I got myself in to?

"Soo Ky, it's soo good to see you again. Is their a special man in your life?" Sarah questioned.

My breath hitched as I knew this was her way of solving the puzzle. "No Sar, not anymore". I looked down, eager to change the subject.

Thankfully our conversation came to an end when the waitress had arrived with our cocktails and shots. "Time to get messy, besty!" Sarah smirked, as we downed our first shot for the night.

I let out a squeal when the shot slipped down my throat and left a harsh burn.

Boy will I be sick tomorrow.

Some time had past, many drinks were downed. I was thankful Sarah didn't question my disappearance as I didn't want to ruin the mood. We reminisced in the past and giggled our worries away, I was soo glad to be with my best friend again.

"I need to use the ladies room, I'll be back soon Sar," I mumbled, whilst trying to focus on my steps. The toilet was a few steps away before I stumbled into a brick wall.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I groaned to myself.

And why did the wall steady my fall.

Rubbing my forehead I looked down to find a pair of large hands around my waist. I looked up and into the most stunning green eyes I had ever seen. My line of vision followed his perfectly sculpted jaw line, his muscly arms that were bound to pop out of his tight dress shirt any minute.

I was surprised that it wasn't a brick wall, though in fact a very angry looking, handsome, muscular man.

By the way he was dressed, I could only guess that he was some sort of wealthy, business man.

I swear my jaw hit the ground before his snappy reply burst my bubble, "I would be careful where you walk next time". He spoke, removing his hands off my waist distastefully.

Hot or not, rudeness makes any man ugly. Its a shame really, a perfectly tanned male with brunette hair and blue eyes.. teamed up with a horrible attitude.

Rich men and their snobbiness. I huffed.

I flipped him the bird and proceeded to the women's toilets. "Rude -- so full of himself".

I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head, though I didn't dare turn back and give him the satisfaction of looking.

I pushed the door to the women's toilet angrily, unable to believe a complete stranger could be so inconsiderate. For all my drunkenness would know, it was probably his own goddamn fault for running into me.

"Sarah, lets make our way down stairs for one last dance before we go," I begged, after making my way back from the rest room.

Thankfully I didn't need to pester her, as she stood up and made her way downstairs. The dancefloor was in full swing, everyone was carefree. A smile reached my eyes as a sense of freedom washed over me. I swayed my hips from side to side, getting lost in the rhythm.

I rolled my head back with a laugh as our song finished, catching a quick glimpse of unwanted attention upstairs.

The arrogant ass from earlier.

Who does he think he is, smirking down at me?

I pulled Sarah along, "lets go," I spoke annoyed, as I flipped the hot, arrogant jerk another bird. Suck on that, I thought with a smirk of my own.

We stumbled out of the club and onto the pavement, jumping into the first cab available.

"Thankyou Ky, I missed this alot". She mumbled out, resting her head on my shoulder.

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