Chapter Eighteen

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My mood had drastically changed by Wednesday, happy to see Marcus back in the office.

The days had flown by and I was a little dissapointed that I wouldn't be seeing him over the weekend.

Although keeping things completely professional towards Marcus, we had grown quite accustomed to each other, managing to throw in a few jokes and giggles between our workload.

"Thankyou for helping out in that meeting. Your level of expertise is beyond your pay level". Marcus spoke.

I gushed in excitement. Marcus had insisted that I sit in on a few of his meetings and together we had managed to seal a few deals. "Thankyou for giving me the opportunity and chance to speak in on the meetings. They turned out alot better than the first meeting I had with -- Mr King".

"You are most welcome Ky. I'll have you know that I sealed that deal with Mr King over the last few days and he most definitely won't be hassling you for a date anytime soon".

I was ecstatic. Happy to hear that he had managed to seal the deal. My guilt completely diminishing.

"That is great news Marcus! I would cuddle you but that would just be -- unprofessional" I giggled before noticing the glink in Marcus's eyes.

"Anyways I best get back to work Ky" he smiled. "I'll see you Monday?" He questioned, almost desperately.

"Ye--yes ofcourse, I'll see you then" I smiled before leaving his office.

I walked to the front to see a grinning Marie. "What has got you grinning like a cheshire cat?" I questioned, eyeing her down skeptically.

"Oh nothing, you will soon figure it out Ky". She answered, confusing the hell out of me, before sending her farewells and leaving for the day.

I stood their dumbstucked. What could she possibly mean by 'figuring it out'? What do I need to figure out?

I packed my stuff, too tired to figure out the puzzle, before meeting up with my best friend on bottom floor.

We have decided that since I am back in town and we had lost a couple of years, it was only fair that we made our friday nights a weekly ritual.

Arm in arm, we made our way through the revolving doors and towards Sarah's car.

"Who do you have in mind Ky?" She questioned mischievously.

"Don't worry your pretty little mind Sar" I giggled, not completely answering her question.

I looked to my side, not surprised by the glare I was receiving.

"Kylie Montgomery, you mean to tell me that -- you are not going to spill the beans to your best friend?"

I ignored her fake hurt and jumped into the car, contemplating whether our goss night was a good idea.

On the drive to Sarah's apartment, my phone buzzed to life. I quickly grabbed my phone, eager to see if it was Marcus who had messaged me.

With a swipe of my finger, I was dissappointed to find that it wasn't Marcus, though infact someone I least welcomed.


I hadn't heard from him in a while, I had just assumed he gave in on his chase to get me back. I should have known that he would never give up, not until he had me in arms reach.

Tick, tock. Hope they weren't too hard on you at work xo -Jacob.

I was glad Sarah was too busy concentrating on the road to sense my worry.

He is watching me. In a matter of time, he will make a move and he will succeed.

I need to distance myself from everyone I care for. I can't have anyone involved in this mess aswell.

I need my own apartment asap.

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