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The snowflakes had danced violently in the storm. Twirling in the direction of the wind as the night sky clouded in arrays of greys. The moonlight diffusing through the clouds in small rays as the clouds were hiding the moon glowed. In the distance was a spot of red, the sounds of hollering and hooting came from the red vehicle as the drunkards smashed mail boxes with a metal bat.

The metal bat was passed along in the tray of the red truck. The drunkards stole street signs with the music blaring and their black hoodies shrugged over their heads. He didn't want to be here as he drove his truck with the hooligans in the back, rampaging after the party was ruined by police and leaving the teens to scramble away.

The males kept going till their gloved fingers were being nipped by the cold air. He drove the drunkards home after their fun. Not far behind, a white car camouflaged in the snow blanket covered streets. She had just possibly performed her best performance yet. Her parents showering her with compliments and praises for her improvement. She played with the blue ribbon around her neck with the medal resting on her breast. She watched the flakes in admiration as they danced freely in the air, the wind picking them up and guiding their dance. She wanted to be like the snow flakes was her last thought before she blacked out.

Two cars had collided. The front of the black vehicle smashed in and the side of the passenger seat was crumpled with glass shattering into glittering dust, speckled with red. It was the night that changed everything.

For not only her, but him as well, even if he did not know it yet.

©2019 Emily Rose. All rights reserved

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