Chapter II: After the first

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A/N: not edited.
17 years old:

She had let the music take hold of the reigns that controlled her body. She perfected her grand jeté and all her other moves were fluent and graceful with the music. She was sure that she had impressed the academy.

"These top 3 performances will be awarded a medal along with a scholarship to attend this academy once they have completed their high school degree. please hold the applause until after the name has been stated and the medal has been claimed," the announcer paused, his navy suit free from any wrinkles, "the terms and the conditions of the scholarships is that these students shall uphold steady grades with the lowest being a B. They shall not cause any crimes in communities or have any police reports filed and-or recorded in the legal system. The health of these students and the well being shall be accessed to ensure they are able to perform at this school. If these terms and conditions can not be followed or met then this academy will have the ability to terminate the scholarship." He continued through the microphone.

All the performers could be seen holding hands with parents or bouncing about with nervous jitters spreading throughout. They looked as though ants were crawling all over their bodies, swiping them off of their leotards as they tried to decrease any wrinkles they had. the audience had consisted of teachers, demonstrators, parents, friends and partners.

"the bronze medal goes to...", he opened the bronze envelop that was given to him, "Miss Jane Everette." The girl that squealed before covering her mouth, Belle assumed was Jane, hastily moved towards the stage. she bowed her head slightly as he place the bronze medal around her neck. She had done a curtsy which was followed by claps from the audience.

"The runner up is Mr William Jackson" The audience clapped again, after he had bowed to them and received the silver medal and what she assumed was a file containing the scholarship and other forms. The second performance had been called out. Belle kept her face neutral and serious with her parents, she would show that she was serious in wanting this. She wanted to make her parents proud. Inside she was nervous and her hands were clammy, she wandered if her parents had felt the same. She kept her faith strong as she saw the golden envelop being opened, her ears were ringing, she wasn't sure whose name he had said.

Her parents patted her back with a smile on their faces, which had meant that it must have been her. "Arabella Marie Johnson." The announcer had called out a second time. Belle looked up towards the sky and said thank you, before going up and bowing her head for the gold medal to be placed around her neck, before performing her curtsy.

On this cold Saturday night was a party blaring music. Teens and young adults intoxicated not only by the music that left the ground of the house quivering slightly from the base. Popular Nathan Adams, with his brown hair shaved neatly to be short, and the length on top to be slightly longer and slightly gelled to the side. His Hazel eyes had specks of blue and green throughout, painting them to be enchanting. His once baby face when he was younger turned to be chiseled as he grew older. This party grew to bore him. He wasn't a normal guy, nor was many of the people that partied. He was a werewolf.

The college life was constant partying in the eyes of his friends, but he grew to be tired of the same routine. Drunk girls trying to get his attention and swishing alcohol on to his clothes as they tried to cling to him like a monkey hanging on to its mother. He'd push them off gently towards someone else. He was waiting for someone special to come into his life. His mate.

Not some girl that liked to party all the time and get wasted hoping for a hook up. The smell of sweat, werewolves and humans mixed. The smell of alcohol could make his nose scrunch in disgust, especially when a girl shoved a vodka shot in his face. The smell burned his nose. He was an Alpha. This meant that his senses were higher than others.

He became a designated driver on the nights that he couldn't be bothered filling his body with the toxicity of alcohol. When the guys hooted towards him they wanted to go somewhere else, he let out a sigh of relief and followed them outside. The streets were dead in this quiet stormy night of snow that showered upon them. He peered over the small fence and saw his friends looking through a shed in the back. Throwing pool equipment into the already messy yard that was littered with red cups and cans of all different kinds. They grabbed a bat and a shovel. He raised his eyebrow questioning what they were doing. They began hitting cans to see who could get them the furthest. Not long after the police showed up at the front door raiding the police. He muttered the word shit before hollering the guys into his vehicle and drove off, as they laughed in the back.

The snowflakes had danced violently in the storm. Twirling in the direction of the wind as the night sky clouded in arrays of greys that could barely be seen. The moonlight diffusing through the clouds in small rays as the cloud hiding the moon glowed. In the distance was a spot of red, the sounds of hollering and hooting came from the red vehicle as the drunkards smashed mail boxes with a metal bat. The old rusty shovel that they once had, had broken into many splinters from the impact of hitting things.

Any letters that were once in the mailbox, was on the ground soaking into the snow.

The metal bat was passed along in the tray of the red truck. The drunkards stole street signs with the music blaring and their black hoodies shrugged over their heads. He didn't want to be here as he drove his truck with the hooligans in the back, rampaging after the party was ruined by police and leaving them to scramble away. He ignored what they were doing, thinking about the upcoming assignments that he had to complete. Planning what he was going to do for them. His father, the current alpha, wanting him to follow in his footsteps. To study law and business was important for him if he was to take over the Alpha role.

It meant a lot of work was being plastered on silver dish for him to carry on the weight of his shoulders as it burns him out. He had his alpha studies and college. But majority of alphas had to do this anyway, so he tried his best to shrug it off and act like everything is better than great.

The young men in their hoods kept going till their gloved fingers were being nipped by the cold harsh breeze. He drove the drunkards home after their fun. Not far behind, there was a white car camouflaged in the snow blanket covered streets. She had just possibly performed her best performance yet. Her parents showering her with compliments and praises for her improvement. She played with the blue ribbon around her neck with the medal resting on her breast. She watched the flakes in admiration as they danced freely in the air, the wind picking them up and guiding their dance. She wanted to be like the snow flakes was her last thought before she blacked out.

Two cars had collided. The front of the black vehicle smashed in, small red flames licked at the snow and the side of the passenger seat was crumpled with glass shattering into glittering dust, speckled with red. A Blue car had arrived at the scene, the passenger and the driver rushing to retrieve the people in the car. The father of a teenage son shouted for the son to call for emergency vehicles. He grabbed a girl that was no younger than his son, her brown hair matted with blood, a cut under her head showing that she would need stitches. Around her neck he saw a blue ribbon that carried a gold medal. Blood staining the ribbon and some on the gold.

He had hoped that she would live. It was the night that changed everything. The smell of oil and gas could be smelt. There was only a couple of people to be grabbed from the vehicles. He went to grab them but before he could get close the two cars blew up in flames. The flames scorched ferociously against the blizzard of cold. The heat burning the front and the cold frosting the back. He stood shocked, he wasn't able to save them all. He sent up a prayer giving his regards to those that had fallen and hoping that this young girl had other family.

His mate and son waved over the ambulances and fire truck. He looked at the young girl being lifted into the ambulance. The other paramedics focusing on a slightly intoxicated human teenager with a couple of drunk friends. One with a broken arm and the other 2 looking shaken up with a few cuts and bruises. Absolute scum. Was all he could think. This drunk boy would regret this drunk mistake for the rest of his life. The firemen putting out the flames as police arrived at the scene.

"They're not sure if she's going to make it honey". He let out a tear as he watched his mate bursting into tears. She couldn't imagine if had been them in the car accident.

Arabella could only see darkness.

The event after the first domino had fallen, the next one falling shortly after.
©2019 Emily Rose. All rights reserved

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