Chapter III: Where are they?

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A/N: not edited

17 years old:

Darkness was all she could see.

Terribly lonely.

She couldn't fathom the feeling.

It was cold. It felt like snowflakes danced across her body.

Little pricks and needles from the snowflakes as they ambled along with their little feet.

A slow rhythm that she felt a minuscule amount of comfort from.

One moment they were there. Then they were gone.

Into nothingness.

She wondered how long she had been in this dark space.

Was she dead? Was this what afterlife was?

Just. Nothing.

An endless pitch of darkness.


She was a strong believer.

There was more than just this.

Maybe God was testing her.

He wanted to see one of His many children and her strength.

She waited, pushing through any negative thoughts.

After a long time.

She finally felt something warm surround her.

But not what she expected.

The constant beeping and the struggle to open her eyes was getting on her nerves. Pain could be felt all over her body. She imagined that this it what it would feel like to be beaten up. Breathing was painful in her side, head pounding and throat raspy. She felt like she couldn't breathe properly and panicked.

She wanted to reach for her face but she couldn't. She felt like she wasn't in control of her body. She wondered what was happening to her and is it just a bad dream that when you wake up you feel paralysed? Her constant rush of thoughts pounded her head further.

"She's starting to awaken from her coma, get the doctor Jeremiah" A women's voice perked up. She wondered who that voice was, She tried to recall through her mind whose voice it could possibly be. That's not her mothers voice at all and who was this Jeremiah. All of a sudden she felt a hand on the side of her face. something tugged, making a ripping noise that sounded like tape. It hurt her eyes a little. They also removed a breathing mask.

"Sorry Hun, we had your eyes taped to make sure no damage would occur to your eyes." A woman's voice said, followed by another man.

"You had sustained quite a blow to your head and couple of glass specks went into your eyes."

"What?" Her voice croaked and barely any noise came out. The nurse lifted the top half of the bed, so she was sitting up. She grabbed a small cup of water. "Take small sips Hun, your body won't handle you taking too much water in at once." They lady stroked the top of her head gently, as she sipped away.

The doctor in a white coat, held a board with papers looking through it all, grabbing a pen that hand hanged on his coat pocket. "We washed your eyes, and gave them a treatment to ensure no infection could occur and after we had to take out all the glass specks." He handed the board and pen to the nurse, grabbing a light. "Now i'm just going to look at your eyes and make sure that they are alright."

She followed the light as he directed, her attention span very little as she wanted to curiously look around, eyes wandering trying to find her parents, and to see who this women and man was that made a ruckus when she awoke. He had black hair that was neatly pushed up and to the side. He wore black chinos and a plain white buttoned up long sleeve. She assumed the woman was his wife, they both had a wedding ring on their ring finger and held hands. She wore a blue dress that was passed her knees and nude stockings with black flats and a black cardigan. They looked like nice people, but she didn't know them.

She could hear her blood rush as her heart palpated.

"Attention here please young lady. I'd like to ask you a few questions", The doctor began, "Now save your voice to keep your throat from hurting, so just nod a yes or no if you can please or write it down here", a white board was passed to me with a green marker.

"Do you remember what happened for you to end up here in this hospital?"

She nodded her head sideways after thinking hard but coming up blank.

"Do you know how old you are?" The nurse wrote down on the board.

She wrote down '18 Mid January'.

"Do you remember your name?"


"full name please".

'Arabella Marie Johnson. Daughter of Daniel Johnson and Michelle (Blanca) Johnson. Where are they'. She scribbled down as fast as she could. Her wrist hurting from the small amount of writing. Why did her joints hurt so bad. She passed the board to him. Moving the blanket and lifting the blue hospital shirt to see that she had bandages around her ribs and touched the back of her head hissing from the pain.

"I'll go grab you some pain medication Hun." The nurse placed the board down before walking out of the room. The woman and man excused themselves before leaving to wait outside the room.

"Your grandmother will be here soon to see you". The doctor ignored my question.

"My abuela is coming" Her voice croaked out. She rarely ever saw her, her parents never had much time to have visitors since cases required them to spend long hours working or travel to different states. Sometimes even countries. Her heart was hurting even more from the lack of information. Anxiety's monsters crept in the back of her mind, pulling themselves up to make the negative rise above all else. Her stomach dropped to the point that she felt like she could vomit her heart out.

"What's going on?" She panicked, her breathing coming out laboured. The nurse came back in with a couple of pills. She took them, but felt like she was choking on them. The nurse held her and stroked her hair. She was so confused and lost, all because no one was telling her where her parents were.

"You've been in a severe car accident Arabella and you were badly injured that you have had several surgeries. You've been in a comatose state for 15 days. Today is the 30th of December". She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Are my parents okay?" She tried getting out but it was muffled as drowsiness began to take over until she fell into the unpleasant darkness.


The man Jeremiah and his mate, Clare, felt disheartened. How would this girl be able to cope with the loss of her parents. They were in contact with her abuela after she was informed by the police of the loss of her daughter and her husband, but she was glad that her granddaughter survived. She was all she had left now. Her partner had died during his PTSD that caused him to inflict a fatal gunshot wound during one of his episodes. There was nothing she could do to save him.

She had arrived at the airport with what felt like only a third of her soul left. The loss of her husband and now her daughter caused her great pain, but she knew she would do everything in her power to keep her nieta safe.

A young man helped her carry her luggage to a taxi before they travelled to the hospital. Her hair was a mixture of a silvery grey and brown and ended at her shoulders.
©2019 Emily Rose. All rights reserved

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