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Hopie hyung is really funny. He just randomly picked me up and carried me while blabbering dumb stuff that could only make me laugh.

I looked back at the others and smiled.

They all look so happy.

Hmm I wanna hold Jungkook hands too...naw I'm too lazy to walk  I giggled and put my head on Hopie hyung his shoulder almost falling back to sleep, but suddenly jolted my hea up as I could hear Kookie shrieking pointing forwards making me look behind me.

"WOAH!!" I yelled struggling to get down, immediately getting a hold of my brother his hand running towards the lake infront of us.

"Look there Kookie!" I pointed at a big brown fish.

"Yuk. It looks ugly" I grimaced and watched as Jungkook took a small stone throwing it in the water aiming at the fish, but the animal was faster and swam away before the stone could hit it.

"Almost" I laughed as he sticked his tongue out and looked away in the other direction.

"Like you could do it better" he whispered clearly annoyed sitting down in the grass picking up flowers then throwing them away.

"Mhm" I looked back at the others seeing them entering the super cool house and so I ran to them leaving Jungkook behind.

"WAIT FOR ME TAETAEEEEEEE!!!" he shouted what made me stop waiting for my precious little brother who smiled at my kindness what made me smile back at him.

We both hurried through the rooms our eyes sparkling from all the cool things such like the huge TV screen and many games with it and...the plushies all around the house..

"MAN I LOVE PLUSHIES!!!! WHO LIVES HERE??!!I HOPE THEY DON'T MIND IF I BORROW SOME" I yelled in happiness collecting as much stuffed animals as possible carrying them around with me also giving one to Jungkookie who hugged it close to his chest.

We finally found our Joonie and the other hyungs as they were deciding who gets which room.

"Alright. We got 4 bedrooms. Don't ask why because I don't know the reason either. Hoseok and Jimin. You two are going to share the room upstairs with the double bed, if that's fine?" he asked and the other two nodded smiling at each other happily.

"Namjoon and I are going to take the other room with the double bed" he smiled as Joonie back hugged him kissing Princess on his neck.

"What about us?" Jungkookie asked still holding the plushy I gave him while jumping up and down in excitement.

"Ahh sorry sorry. Well we still have two rooms with single beds so you two are finally going to have your own rooms" he smiled at us but his face frowned as Jungkook stopped being hyper and had tears in his eyes.

"Kookie wha-" I wanted to ask him whats the matter, but was cut of as he jumped on me tackling me to the floor.

"I don't want my own room. I am fine sharing it with Tae thank you very much. I'm going back to our small apartment if you two disagree with this" he mumbled still holding me.

I looked up at Princess who was kinda taken aback looking lost at Joonie who just shrugged.

"They are like magnets. You can't just separate them that easily" Joonie kneeled down peeling Kookie of me who was pouting but eventually let go of me.

"Soo what you gonna say?" I asked Princess ruffling my whining little brother his hair.

"I-I guess that's no problem for you two to share a room. We just gonna have to transfer a second bed in and yeah...done. More work for us" he rolled his eyes packing Joonie his arm pulling him with himself so he would help him.

Jungkookie smiled happily as and danced after them me following also with a big smile on my face.


SomE cute Vkook moment if I already made them to be brothers..aha sorry~ :^D

okay back to the serious stuff...I might not update the story for quite awhile cuz I got grounded...which means no internet connection..and no more chapters until Im free again..


Hope you understand...bye..♥


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