Asahina Family

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I write scripts for a living. Mainly for video games but sometimes a certain anime.

My life is always busy, especially since a new project is always thrown my way.

My name is Hana and I have grey blue hair that is normally pulled into a messy bun, my bangs reaching my grey eyes. I'm above average height, being around 170cm at 23 years old. My body is fairly fit, I guess it comes with my self defence classes though.

I'm seen as a visionary. Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. This helps me with my writing. I'm an introvert but I have a sharp tongue, so I look innocent but am not. However I want a good first impression, meaning I'll have to do my best to hold my tongue.

I drive up to my new condo, it was owned by the Asahina family but their mother was best friends with my mother, meaning I was allowed to live there.

I step out of my truck and survey the place I was now living. It was beautiful. Flowers were planted in flower beds, they looked well cared for. There was also a cherry blossom tree in the centre. There looked to be 5 floors in total.

I remove a backpack I had placed in the drivers seat from the truck. It carried my main notepad, one for my scripts. There was also some pencils and erasers.

I swing it over my shoulder and walk up to the door. I knock and wait for someone to answer. A little boy opens the door. He had Light salmon coloured hair and brown eyes. He had a bright smile on his face, showing his young age.

"Hi! I'm Wataru, are you Hana?"

"Yes" I say with a small smile on my face, his happiness was contagious.

"Come in! I need to introduce you to my brothers, and Ema!" He grabs my hand and pulls me inside, towards an elevator. We go up to the fifth floor, he lead me out to the living room.

"Guys, Hana's here!"

He drags me towards a set of stairs that lead to an open area with a red couch and a tv.

There was a bunch of guys sitting on the couch, chatting with one another. All their heads turned to us as they hear Wataru jumping down the steps. He was practically dragging me down at the speed he was going.

"Oh, who's this beautiful flower?" A guy with long blonde hair asks.

"This is Hana! She's the one who's going to be living with us!" Wataru was very excited.

"So you're Hana, nice to meet such a lovely lady" the same blonde stands and kisses my hand, looking at me with his hazel eyes.

"And you are?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Kaname, the third son"

A man with short blonde hair and glasses covering his blue eyes enters the room, he was 29 years old. "Ah miss Hana, how was your trip?"

"Ukyo nice to see you again" I stand up and shake his hand. "The trip was nice, long but smooth"

"You know her Ukyo?" Wataru asks.

"Yeah I've met her before. Anyway introduce yourselves" Ukyo says finding a seat on the couch.

"I'm Masaomi, the first son" a 31 year old man with brown hair and brown eyes says.

"I'm Hikaru, the fourth son" a 26 year old man with long orange hair and green eyes says next.

"I'm Tsubaki, the fifth son" a man with grey hair covering the right side of his face says with a wink, his eyes were violet and there was a beauty mark underneath his left eye.

"I'm Azusa the sixth son" a man with black hair covering the left side of his face says. He had a beauty mark underneath his right eye which was violet, a pair of glasses covering them.

"I'm Natsume, the seventh son. Us three are triplets" a man with orange hair and violet eyes says motioning to Azusa and Tsubaki. He also had a beauty mark but it was on his chin. The three looked to be around 24, close to my age.

"Louis, the eighth son" a 21 year old guy with long light ash brown hair and mauve eyes says with a small smile on his face.

"Subaru, ninth son" a 20 year old guy with grey hair and grey eyes says.

"I'm Iori, the tenth son" an 18 year old guy with greyish blue hair and hazel eyes says.

"Yusuke, eleventh son" a 17 year old guy with messy long red hair and dark red eyes says.

"Fuuto, twelfth son" a 15 year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes says.

"You already know me! I'm Wataru the thirteenth son!" Wataru, a ten year old boy says.

"Nice to meet you all. Not to be a bother but... would one of you mind showing me to my room?" I say.

"I will" Tsubaki stands up. He stood around 176cm, not much taller than me. "This way" he motions to the stairs and I walk to the elevator, he follows.

We stood silently in the elevator as we rode down to the 4th floor. He leads me to a room that had the number 404 beside the door.

"Here you go, if you need anything my room is right next door" he points behind him with his thumb, motioning towards room 403.

"Alright. Thanks" I walk in my room to see all the boxes I had from my old apartment. I only moved because I wouldn't have to pay rent here.

My room was light blue, there was a couple bookshelves lined up along the wall. A blue carpet was laid out on the floor, a bed sat next to it. There was a white desk placed next to a glass door that lead out to a balcony. I start unpacking the boxes that were full of books, some of them notepads others just random books. I love to read in my spare time.

I finish putting the books away and lay down on the bed. I decided I would finish putting everything else away the next day.

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