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I wake up the next morning and finish emptying all the boxes. It was tiring but I managed to sort everything out, giving it its rightful place. I had my main notepad on the desk. My closet and dresser were filled with clothes, the drawers of my desk filled with paper and writing utensils.

The doorbell rings, someone was at the door. I walk over to the door and open it, Azusa was standing there.

"Good morning Hana, were having breakfast if you wanted to join us"

"Sure, I just have to change" I close the door and walk back into my room. I just noticed I hadn't changed out of my clothes from yesterday.

I put on camouflage skinny jeans that have a black belt, a chain hanging on my hip. It was like the chain dangling from Tsubaki's pocket except my chains were silver. I slide on a white tight fighting off the shoulder shirt.

I head out to the kitchen, only Tsubaki, Azusa, a girl I hadn't met yet, Yusuke and Subaru were there. Everyone else must've been out working already. I grab something to eat and sit down at the long table, I was next to Tsubaki and across from Azusa.

"Hana, you haven't met our sister yet. This is Ema," Azusa introduces.

"Nice to meet you," I said to Ema, who smiled in return since she was busy eating.

"So how do you like it so far?" Tsubaki asks slinging an arm over the back of my chair.

"It's nice here" I say with a mouthful of food.

"I'm glad you think that. My brothers don't always make the best first impression"

"Same" I mumble while sipping on my drink.

"So you single?" Tsubaki asks. Azusa glares at him, silently scolding him.

"Uh, yeah. I am" I say weirded out.

Who opens a conversation with that? I think.

"What is your profession?" Azusa asks, getting the conversation back on the right track.

"Oh I write scripts for certain things, mainly video games but recently I've started working on an anime that's being renewed for a second season"

"Really? Tsubaki and I are voice actors. What have you written?" Azusa asks curiously.

"Well my most popular one is Panzer of the dead"

"You wrote that script?! We were the main voice actors" Tsubaki says excitedly. "The script was amazing, how did you come up with all of it?"

"Well I just had the theme and continued on with a plot and story. The designers based their game off of it"

"Whoa" he seemed in shock. He stopped talking and just sat, not moving.

"Yeah, well I should go. I need to work on my next project" I slide my chair back while standing up. I leave the room and go back to mine.

I sit in the chair at the desk, my pencil in hand and tapping against my lips. I had to create a rough copy so the producers could look it over and decide if they liked it or not. If they liked it I would complete it, if not I had to restart.

Eventually an idea pops into my mind then I write it down on the page. I manage to finish 1/4 of the script in two hours. Happy with the work I had done I go out onto the balcony. I was going to send a copy of it to the producers later to see if it was what they wanted or not.

I lean over the railing, looking at the front area. Tsubaki angrily walks out, his head low and hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket.

"Tsubaki!" I shout to get his attention. He looks up at me, a scowl on his face. "You okay?"

"I'm fine" he growls.

"I'm not stupid you know" he just turns and walks away. "Jeez what's got you so mad?" I mutter to myself.

I shuffle back into my room, leaving the door opened so a light breeze would blow in. I sit at my desk and try to work on a different script. My eyes start to feel heavy and the words on the page start to blur. I lay my head in my arms on the desk and fall asleep.

I wake up to somebody lifting my body and placing me in my bed. My eyes open slightly and I can make out white hair. Tsubaki was placing me in my bed. I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Tsubaki why are you in my room?" I say through a yawn.

"Well I came to visit but you were asleep and your door was opened. You were shivering so I thought-"

I cut him off. "Alright, I get it. Thanks" I look at my clothes. "I need to change" I try to get up and go to the dresser but he stops me.

"Where are your pyjamas?" He asks.

"Second drawer" I point to my dresser.

He moves over to it, opening it. He moves some things around until he finds a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He comes back to me and hands me the shorts. The blanket was covering my lower body so I slide off my pants and slip on the shorts. He hands me the shirt.

"Can you turn around?"

His cheeks turn a light pink as he turns around. I quickly take off my shirt and put on the loose t-shirt. I tell him I'm decent and he turns back around while I lay down.

"Go back to sleep, you look exhausted" he covers the rest of my body with the blanket.

"Well I did have a long drive" I yawn once again and close my eyes. "Night" I mumble.

"Night" he says then I hear soft footsteps walking out of my room.

I drift off to sleep, my breathing slowing down.

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