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I walk out of my room wearing a turquoise sports bra with a white sweater on top, black leggings and white sneakers, wanting to go out for a run, when I run into Azusa. He was coming out of the elevator.

"Hey Azusa"

"Hana, nice to see you" he says walking out of the elevator, a hand on his head.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, just stressed out"

"Alright but I suggest you get some rest, you should feel better afterwards"

"I'll try, thanks for your concern"

I walk into the elevator as he heads to his room. I get outside and start running. I run as far as my legs would allow me then back. It took me about 40 minutes. I walk back in, my sweater wrapped around my waist. I step out of the elevator to see Fuuto, Yusuke, Ema, and Tsubaki talking. Yusuke had Fuuto's collar balled up in his hands, they looked like they were fighting.

"Why does Yusuke look like he wants to rip Fuuto's face off?" I ask nobody in particular.

Yusuke lets go of Fuuto's collar and everybody turns towards me. My hip was sticking out, one hand placed on it. I could see red appear on Yusuke's and Tsubaki's cheeks, Fuuto had a smirk on his face.

"Hana I didn't know you looked like that" Fuuto says eyeing my body.

"Just shut up, you've caused enough trouble"

He grumbles something under his breath and walks away. Tsubaki taps Yusuke's head with his knuckle and walks towards me. He puts an arm around my waist and leads me out of the room. We stand in the elevator, his arm still around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I don't want them looking at you in that" he says looking straight ahead.

We arrive at our floor and each go to our rooms. After getting a shower and drying my hair I put on a blue skirt and loose white tank top, grabbing a pair of white flats to wear on my feet. I head out the door and to Ema's school. I was going to visit her and Yusuke, see how they were doing at the Cultural Festival.

I walk through the halls, about to walk into Ema's classroom, when I hear someone catcall then speak.

"Who's that hottie?"

I turn around and find Fuuto in a vampire costume, a smirk on his face.

"I don't know how to respond" I state blankly.

"Why don't you visit our haunted house?" He extends a hand out to me.

I think it over. "Why not" I say grabbing his hand. He pulls me into the darkness.

He dragged me to what I thought was the centre of the room then disappeared. However when he dragged me in I tripped, meaning I was left on the ground. Before I could stand up he wraps his arms around me, bitting his fake fangs into my neck.

I gasp then yell "Hey!". I jab his chest with my elbow. He grunts and falls back.

I stand up and walk out of the room. I quickly walk over to Ema's classroom and chat with them for a little bit until I decide it was time to leave. My whole drive home I was grumbling under my breath, Fuuto was really starting to piss me off.

I walk down the stairs of the living area, suddenly exhausted. I threw my hair up into a messy bun when I made it to the bottom step.

"How did they do?" Tsubaki asks from his spot on the couch.

I walk over to the couch and plop down on it. My head falls over the back of the couch and I close my eyes.

"Was it not good?"

"No it was great, but I'm just tired" I answer.

His fingers brush against my neck, making me open my eyes.

"Who gave you the hickey on your neck" he asks angrily.

"What?" I ask putting my hand on my neck.

"You know how this makes me feel don't you? I meant every word I said before" he cups my face in his hands. He starts to lean in until he's interrupted.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Azusa asks.

"It's none of your business" Tsubaki says pulling my head into his chest. His hand was covering my ear, my other ear against his chest, so I couldn't hear what they were talking about. All I knew was they were arguing. Was it over me?

I pull away from Tsubaki, wanting my personal space. In the middle of their argument Azusa faints. Me and Tsubaki both try to catch him but he slips through our grasps. He lands on the cold floor with a thud. His glasses fell off his face

"Azusa!" I scream. Tsubaki only stood in shock.

Masaomi comes in. I kneel down beside Azusa, trying to find any form of life. He still had a pulse, a faint one. Tsubaki and Masaomi both stood with worried looks on their faces.

"What are you waiting for call an ambulance!" I shout at them.

The ambulance comes to pick up Azusa. Masaomi also leaves. I sit next to Tsubaki who was very worried. I tried comforting him the best I could, I was worried for Azusa too.

"He'll be fine, Masaomi called and said he will make it" I place a hand on his shoulder.

"But I feel like it's all my fault"

"No it's not. It's because of stress, he told me about how the new project was stressful for him. You have nothing to do with it"

He leans back and looks up at the ceiling, his eyes soft and full of worry. I pull him into a hug, tightly wrapping my arms around him. He does the same, keeping me close to his body. He wrests his chin on my shoulder.

"He's fine, I promise"

He pulls away and looks me in the eye. He grabs my chin and pulls my face to his. His lips linger on mine for a minute before he walks away.

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