Chapter 13

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Eren ran into the courtyard followed by Levi, Ava had informed them that the reinforcements would create a barrier around the hole to prevent any more titans for infiltrating the wall also Ava and Marco would be inside the wall to stop the titans but they need the scouting legion to hurry up because there were so many titans in a small place that a person could take down before the would start destroying the people's houses.

Eren was given a spare 3d Maneuverer Gear and a horse before taken off with Levi and his squad whilst the others were preparing all the supplies that they needed because of the closeness of the legion's headquarters from the Trost District. Garrison Soldiers were scattered all over the wall whilst the cadets had been spread all around the district itself some were helping with the evacuation others were near the hole to prevent any more titans from reaching the evacuation site.

Eren and Levi rode to the wall before using the 3d Maneuverer Gear to propel themselves up the wall. Trost district was a mess, titans ranging from 3 meters to 15 meters were spread out throughout the district, there were multiple decomposing titans which were probably been taken down by their titan shifter allies.

"Which titans are this Ava person?" Levi questioned.

"She is not in titan form and plus didn't you see here once in titan form" Eren replied.

"Yes, but all titans seem to look the same after you have killed plenty" Levi answered before asking "If she is not in titan form then how are we meant to find her".

"She will find us" Eren replied before being interrupted by Mikasa.

"Eren where have you been we have been worried sick?" Mikasa questioned whilst dragging Armin over with her completely ignoring the soldiers who have been giving her orders to help with the evacuation.

"It's classified," Eren said completely blanking his friends.

'Ava, Levi, his squad and I have reached the wall, where are you?' Eren called out.

'Um... on top of Marco's head trying to good viewpoint of the whole situation' Ava replied.

'Okay, what does Marco's titan look like to prevent Levi and his squad from killing him plus could you not get a good viewpoint whilst in titan form" Eren said.

'I am being lazy" Ava answered then added 'Look for a freckled titan with someone sitting on its head it should not be hard to see'.

'Okay, we need a meeting point to explain to Levi and his squad the situation and whatever plan which you have come up with' Eren said.

'See that big ass boulder go to that' Ava replied. Eren pulled away from his connection with Ava then turned to Levi who was speaking to Commander Pixis. Eren ran over leaving Mikasa and Armin behind the less they knew about what Eren really was the safer they would be. Once he reached Levi's side Eren leant down and whispered into Levi's ear about meeting Ava by the bolder, Levi quickly finished his conversation with Pixis then summoned his squad over before turning to abseil down the side the wall into the district followed by his squad and Eren. Mikasa attempted to follow but was stopped by the soldiers in her squad.

The group flew through the buildings whilst taking down the titans in their path when they reached the boulder a freckled titan was slightly leaning on the boulder whilst a female was sitting atop of the said boulder.

"Is that Ava" Petra shouted over to Eren who replied with a nod.

"Who's the titan?" Gunther questioned.

"Another titan shifter called Marco" Eren answered before landing on the boulder next to Ava.

"Long time no see Eren," Ava said.

"Likewise," Eren replied.

"You must be Levi," Ava said looking over to the black-haired midget, who nodded in response.

"What is the plan?" Oluo questioned.

"You are standing on it" Ava replied.

"You want to move the boulder to plug the whole in the wall," Petra said.


"But how this will be impossible to move" Petra asked.

"They plan to move it in their titan's form whilst we prevent any titans from stopping them" Levi stated.


"How do you know that a huge titan is going be coming through when you are attempting to plug the hole," Oluo said.

"Does it look like there are any titans entering through the hole?" Ava questioned which caused the squad to look over to the hole on the other side of the district.

"No," Petra said.

"How are you preventing any titans from entering?" Levi questioned.

"Marco has the ability to control some titans which mean that they are barricading the titans from entering" Ava replied.

"So, we better get a more on," Eren said.

"Yus" Ava replied before jumping of boulder then bit her thumb to transform into her titan form. Ava's titan form was 15 meter, with long silver hair with some feminine features and to the looks of it there was a mark spiralling around her left leg.

Eren was next he too transformed into his 15-meter titan form next to Ava then turned to face the bolder behind him before signalling to the others to get off the bolder whilst positioning himself to pick it up. Eren let some of the sunlight to be absorbed before pulling with all this titan might to lift the bolder.

He started raising it slowly and carefully to prevent himself from dropping it onto one of his humans. The steps were shaky but he felt Marco and Ava walking behind him to prevent him from falling backwards, there was quite a distance from the bolder original place to the hole in the wall.

'Ava, it is getting harder to keep the titans out, they are attempting to eat the ones that I am controlling' Marco informed Ava.

'Please try your hardest to keep them in control even if it is until the last stretch to the hole' Ava replied.

'I will try my best' Marco said.

'Eren, I know that this really heavy but Marco is finding it harder to keep the titans in control because they are being attacked by the ones being kept outside' Ava told Eren.

'I am trying my best to kept this in my arm Ava' Eren replied.

'I know Eren I just wanted you to know the situation' Ava said.

Levi and his squad were getting a few funny looks from other soldiers but even without really questioning it they were taking the titans down which were in the way of the three titans with the bolder.

'Eren I have had an idea one we reach the stretch to the hole in a straight line I want you to stop' Ava said before jumping ahead of the scouts to reach the hole faster.

Once Ava reached the hole she bent down and pressed her hands onto the ground before focusing in her mind with a picture of a ramp, the earth started to rumble before it started to rise into the ramp which Ava was imagining. When the ramp had taken shape in the earth, Eren was finally on the last stretch to the hole, Levi and his squad noticed what Ava had done and quickly got out the way so Eren was able to place the bolder onto this earth made ramp.

Ava and Eren steady the bolder at the top of the ramp and with the help of Marco they pushed it down, the bolder went flying at a huge velocity and smashed in the hole.

'I'd would call that a hole in one' Ava said.

'That was terrible' both Eren and Marco replied but was laughing anyway.   

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